Fire Eater examplifies how investing in an Output Management Solution (OMS) can deliver more than just financial returns. It is about operational excellence, compliance assurance, and strengthening trust in their life-saving products. 

Fire Eater, a Danish manufacturing company specializing in fire extinguishing equipment, lives up to its promise of “Reliable and sustainable fire extinguishing within 40 seconds.” Their innovative solutions, using Inergen to extinguish fires, are trusted across industries. But as a B2B company operating in the highly regulated safety industry, Fire Eater faces a critical challenge: seamless management of documentation and certifications. 

The Challenge: Streamlining certification processes 

In the safety industry, documentation is not just important—it is essential! Certificates of origin, packing slips, and compliance documents must meet strict standards and often require verification by various authorities. Delivering output to customers and authorities was therefore really important for Fire Eater states their IT coordinator Jesper Løwe, who uses InterFormNG2 on a daily basis. 

“Our original challenge, which we aimed to solve with InterForm, was implementing digital signatures on our certificates. This would allow various authorities to verify that the documents were genuinely issued by us—ensuring it was clear that they came from Fire Eater,” says Jesper Løwe IT coordinator at Fire Eater. 

Managing these documents manually or through basic ERP functionality (in their case, Dynamics365 Enterprise) was becoming a bottleneck.  

Fire Eater needed a solution that would automate and simplify the process while maintaining accuracy and compliance. 


ERP: Dynamics365 Enterprise 

Output Management Solution: InterFormNG2 

InterForm-modules: Embedded PDF/Advanced PDF 

Problem: Digital signature- and certification 

The Solution: InterFormNG2 for efficiency and automation 

Fire Eater chose InterFormNG2, incorporating modules such as Embedded PDF and Advanced PDF, to optimize their document workflows. With the InterFormNG2 integrated into Dynamics365 Enterprise, the results have been transformative. 

“Currently, we primarily use InterFormNG2 for generating print outputs to local printers, sending emails to customers, and updating SharePoint. It’s also where we generate our certificates, including certificates of origin and packing slips. InterForm processes the data, generates the output, and ensures that SharePoint is automatically updated in the process.” tells Jesper. 

One of the ways that InterFormNG2 also has improved their efficiency and overall PDF-experience has been through the Embedded PDF-function. By using that function Fire Eater has embedded PDFs into their invoices and delivery notes – Minimizing the number of PDFs sent and making the content more accessible for both customers and authorities.  


The results: Saving time, costs, and resources 

The shift to InterFormNG2 delivered both direct and indirect benefits, with measurable improvements in efficiency and cost savings: 

  • Faster Document Changes: “Previously, I would have had to involve a developer, which would cost us about six hours of work. Now, I can handle it myself in less than 30 minutes to make changes to documents. I wouldn’t even know how to approach this in the traditional ‘Finance & Operate Report’ found in Dynamics365 Enterprise.” 
  • Reduced Time-to-Output: “From concept to final print, the process now takes about a week, compared to well over a month previously. This isn’t just time I’ve saved personally—it’s also time and costs we’ve saved on external consultants.” 
  • Streamlined Layouts: “By streamlining the layout of every PDF, we have also saved time setting up individual packing slips or invoices.”

Preparing for the next level of automation 

And Fire Eater is not done implementing their OMS. They still have tasks that they can automate and thereby saving even more time & manpower. Looking ahead, Fire Eater expects even greater efficiencies as they automate more processes – and can even give an exact number on how much time they will be saving. 

“Currently, we have an employee dedicating three days a week to manually collecting certificates and either sending them to customers or uploading them to a SharePoint site. Once this process is automated, the employee will reclaim those three days each week to focus on core responsibilities.” Jesper continues. 

That is roughly 150 days a year of work that Fire Eaters QA-employee would be able to spend on core tasks and not on manual labor. 


A clear and everlasting impact on daily operations 

The transformation isn’t just about faster processes. It is about optimizing every line throughout the organization. 

“Creating new workflows and documents is incredibly simple, saving both time and money in the process. Time is a critical factor across all areas of business,” explains Fire Eater. 

“The investment has paid off. It’s difficult to estimate precisely how quickly or how many times over it has, but there’s no doubt it has. Both through direct savings and indirect benefits. I would recommend the InterForm OMS-setup we use without hesitation.” Jesper Løwe, IT coordinator @ Fire Eater 


Is InterFormNG2 the right output management solution for you? 

InterForm’s output management solution, InterFormNG2, integrates seamlessly with existing ERP systems, offering businesses a scalable and secure way to automate document workflows. Discover how InterFormNG2 can streamline your document workflows, reduce costs, and enhance compliance across your business. Contact us today to hear more if InterFormNG2 can fulfill your needs or you can fill out the form down below and we will contact you straight away:

Frederik Rasmussen