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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: XML output

Limitation of the XML generator

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An example of one of the limitations of the XML generator is, that you cannot build up a structure of dynamically nested nodes on a single page - only one. If you e.g. consider a spooled file looking like below, where the number of departments and products is variable:





Department 1      

PDF security1  

PDF security2    

Department 2    

PDF security3  

PDF security4  


Then you might want an output XML like this:




         <Department No=”1">


                         <Desc>        PDF security1</Desc>



                         <Desc>PDF security2</Desc>



         <Department No=”2">


                         <Desc>        PDF security1</Desc>



                         <Desc>PDF security2</Desc>






- but that is unfortunately not possible - unless you have a page break per department.