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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: XML output

Page type definitions

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The next issue is to define at least one or more page types. You can add one by pressing F6=Create on the screen below:



         Work with page type definitions                              XML310D  


XML definition name . :   XML_DEMO                                            


Position to . . . . . .        Sequence number                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   7=Change sequence                


Opt  SeqNbr  Description                                         Page type    

       1  Page 1 of each Document                             PAGE1        

 _        2  Other pages                                         OTHER                                                                    









F3=Exit   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                              




         Change page type definition                                  XML311D  


XML definition name  . . :   XML_DEMO                                          


Sequence number  . . . . :      1                                            

Description  . . . . . . .   Page 1 of each Document                          


Page type  . . . . . . . .   PAGE1                                            


Is first page  . . . . . .   Y            Y=Yes, N=No                          

Is last page . . . . . . .   N            Y=Yes, N=No                          


Type comparisons, press Enter. Specify OR to start each new group.            


AND/OR  Line(s)  Pos(s)    Operator  Compare value                            

          3      71-72      EQ        1                                        







F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel                                                




         Change page type definition                                  XML311D  


XML definition name  . . :   XML_DEMO                                          


Sequence number  . . . . :      2                                            

Description  . . . . . . .   Other  pages                                        


Page type  . . . . . . . .   OTHER                                            


Is first page  . . . . . .   N            Y=Yes, N=No                          

Is last page . . . . . . .   N            Y=Yes, N=No                          


Type comparisons, press Enter. Specify OR to start each new group.            


AND/OR  Line(s)  Pos(s)    Operator  Compare value                            








F3=Exit   F4=List   F12=Cancel                                                



With the setup above, we can insert header information of the first page of each document and use the OTHER page type to include the rest of the pages - if needed. If you want a field to be retrieved on all pages of the spooled file, you will actually not need to condition it on any page type, so the OTHER page type above will usually not be necessary.


The sequence number above indicates in which order, that InterForm400 will check the conditions. The first sequence number with a true condition will select the specific page type for the relevant page. (Each spooled file page can only have one page type).


The description is for your own use.


The Page type is what you name the specific page(s), that are selected with the condition below. You can later refer to page type e.g. for the lines or as conditions for variables and attributes.


Is first page        

If you state ‘Y’ for this, then it indicates, that a new input document/group starts whenever this page type is selected (because of the condition being true).


Is last page        

When this page type is selected, then it is interpreted as the last page of a group/document and a new group/document is starting on the next spooled file page.


If all documents in the spooled file are single page documents, then you can simply create one single page type with ‘Y’ for both ‘Is first page’ and ‘Is last page’ - and no conditions in the bottom of the screen.


The conditions below can be written with intervals of lines and positions. An interval is simply written as ‘71-72', if you want to state the interval of 71 to 72 as shown above. You can prompt the operator with F4 to view a list of all possible operators:















Contains string of characters                    


Fixed characters at fixed positions (allow others) (*XML+ Module only).

Greater than or equal to                          

Greater than                                      

Invalid characters (One or more chars not listed)

Less than or equal to                            

List (field equals Value1, or equals Value2,...)  

Less than                                        

Does not contains string of characters            

Not equal                                        

Not list (field does not equal Value1, or....)                                            

Valid characters (Allow only characters listed)


Later you can search for various variables in the spooled file depending on specific page type(s) and/or line type(s).