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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Fonts > Fonts for label print

True Type Fonts for label print

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When you select this option all installed soft fonts for Zebra printers are shown.

You reach this option from the InterForm400 Menu if you select:


80. Administering InterForm400, followed by 4. Work with fonts, and finally 12. Work with ZEBRA soft fonts.


After you have installed the necessary soft fonts, you can create label fonts based on soft fonts.



         Work with ZEBRA soft fonts                                   FNT461D  


Position to . . . . . .   __________ Member name                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   4=Delete   5=Display   6=Print                                    


Opt   Member    Symbolset          Description                                

 _    FRUTBOCE  Central European   TrueType  Frutiger-Bold                    

 _    FRUTBOWE  Western            TrueType  Frutiger-Bold                    

 _    LOGOFONT  Special            TrueType  Company Logo              












F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  





You can choose option 5=Display to display a sample of the font in SwiftView (if installed). You are prompted for the codepage to use. State the codepage with preceding zeroes.



Some few characters in some soft fonts cannot be printed on a Zebra printer. To make sure, that an installed soft font can be used it is recommended always to do a test print before using the soft font in production.


Press F6 to install a True Type Font  file as a new soft font for Zebra:

The True Type font must be uploaded to the IFS inside /APF3812Home/Work.

(Make sure that you do not violate any copyrights when installing the font).



         Install TrueType font to ZEBRA from /APF3812Home/Work           FNT465D  


Document name . . . . . . :  FONT.TTF                                        


Font name . . . . . . . . :  Font                                            


Font name PCL . . . . . . . Font____________                                


Symbol set  . . . . . . . . 1             1 = Western                        

                                           2 = Central European                

                                           3 = Baltic                          

                                           4 = Turkish                        

                                           5 = Cyrillic                        

                                           6 = Greek                          

                                           7 = Arabic                          

                                           8 = Hebrew                          

                                           9 = Special                        


Member name in FONT file  .   Font______   F4=List                              




F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



When installing you are prompted for what symbol set to use. Use the symbol set, that you want to use this soft font for. If the font is a specially designed font including e.g. the company logo you should use 9 = Special.


The procedure to install a True Type Font for unicode output is different.