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InterFormNG Manual 2020

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Meta data keys

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Introduction to meta data keys

Meta data keys are used widely in InterFormNG. You can think of meta data keys as configuration fields or variables, that can be set and used during processing. A meta data key is specified by a key name and a value. InterFormNG includes a lot of predefined meta data keys, but you can also add user defined meta data keys yourself.


For some inputs you can even include meta data keys (with values).


The use of meta data keys

Meta data keys can be used in several places:

You can decide, what kind of output you want by setting meta data keys.

In your designs (templates) you can use conditions, that tests the value of a meta data key.

You can use meta data keys in email templates (.rtf or .html) to include variable data in the email contents e.g. to address the customer by his/her name.

The value of a meta data key can be overwritten during processing, so an assigned value can be overwritten later in the process.


Overwriting a value of a meta data key

During processing the value of a meta data key can be changed. This is sequence in which the meta data keys are assigned and overwritten:

‘Input plugin’-> Workflow->Templates->Output configuration.  

So a value set in an Input plugin can be overwritten by any other, while the Output configuration can overwrite any value set by any of the preceding components.