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InterFormNG Manual 2020

If you want to write RFID tags with InterFormNG, then you need a license key for the RFID module, and then you can use the RFID element in the designer to specify the data, that should be written to the RFID tag:




You should only insert up to one RFID element per page. Multiple RFID elements per page is unsupported.


The RFID element looks like this:




In the example above the full Xpath specification is:


- for the specific input XML file used.


The RFID properties are:



Possible values are:


If "None" is selected, then the raw value specified in "Selection input" will be written directly to the RFID chip.


If "ASCII-to-6-bit" is selected, then the data provided in "Selection input" will be converted accordingly to ISO standard 17363-17367, before it is written to the RFID chip.


Application Family Id

This property is only applicable if the encoding above is set to "ASCII-to-6-bit". If so, then this value will be used as the Application Family ID (AFI) in the RFID data. Only 2 digit hex codes are supported. If left empty it will default to the value 'A2'.


Selection input

The data, that is written into the RFID chip. In the example above data is found via Xpath.


Write protect

States if the RFID chip should be write protected after the data has been written.