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InterFormNG2 Manual

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Setup keystore for remote clients

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You need a safe keystore in order to be able to communicate between the InterFormNG2 host, and the remote clients in a safe manner.


This is done by the use of a keystore. The same keystore file must be shared between the InterFormNG2 host and the remote clients, so you need to copy and share it onto all the servers involved.


InterFormNG2 is shipped with a keystore, that you can reference as: "internal:remoteoutput.jks". This can be replaced with the file system path of another keystore. (Note that no customer data is sent in the notifications, so it is not strictly necessary to replace the keystore).


A new certificate and key store can be generated using the standard Java Keytool that is included with the Java installation:


keytool -genkeypair -alias remoteprint -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 -keystore remoteprint.jks -validity 3650


For IBM i platform

If you want to generate a keystore on the IBM i platform, then you can create it via Qshell by first running this command to start QShell:



And then run the command above.


We have found, that a PKCS12 keystore was not supported on an IBM i, so here you may create it with this command instead:


keytool -genkeypair -alias remoteprint -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype JKS -keystore /iformng2/remoteprint.jks -validity 3650


After this you have a new keystore file called remoteprint.jks in the IFORMNG2 directory in the IFS.


Remember to copy the keystore file from the host to the remote client and make a note of the keystore password as you will need it, when you configure both the InterFormNG2 host, and the remote clients.


Now you can continue with the setup of your remote clients as covered here.




How to test the password of a keystore

You can use this command to test the password of a keystore:


keytool -list -keystore <keystorefile> -storepass <passwordtocheck>


The parameters are:



The name of the keystore.



The password, that you want to verify.