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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The APF3812/APFEDTPRT command makes it possible to manually edit a spool entry before merging with an overlay.



                       Copy and edit print (APFEDTPRT)              


Type choices, press Enter.                                            


Input spooled file . . . . . . . FILNVN                       Name, *SELECT    

Job name . . . . . . . . . . . . JOB           *               Name, *    

 User . . . . . . . . . . . . .                             Name    

 Job number . . . . . . . . . .                             000000-999999      

Spooled file number  . . . . . . SPLNBR         *ONLY           Number, *ONLY, *LAST      

Job system name  . . . . . . . . JOBSYSNAME     *ONLY           Name, *ONLY, *CURRENT, *ANY    

Spooled file created:            CRTDATE                              

 Creation date  . . . . . . . .               *ONLY           Date, *ONLY      

 Creation time  . . . . . . . .                             Time, *ONLY    

Input output queue . . . . . . . FROMOUTQ                     Name    

 Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 *LIBL         Name, *LIBL    

Output queue for edited print  . TOOUTQ                       Name    

 Library  . . . . . . . . . . .                 *LIBL         Name, *LIBL    




This video explains the use of the command:



State the output from where you want to select the spooled file to be edited, and on what output queue you want to create the edited spooled file.


The parameters are:


Input spooled file

The name of the input spooled file. With *SELECT all spooled files on the FROMOUTQ are listed, and you can select the input spooled file with option 1=Select. The use of *SELECT is recommended for most use - refer to Input output queue below.


Job name/user/Jobnumber

The ID of the job, that created the spooled file. * indicates the current job.


Spooled file number

The spooled file number - part of the identification of the spooled file. *ONLY indicates that only a single spooled file with the specified name was created by the specified job. *LAST tells InterForm400 to pick the last spooled file generated by the specified job.


Job system name

The system on which the spooled file was created. This is optional and only required, if there are multiple spooled files with the same ID.


Spooled file created

The date and time when the spooled file was created. This is optional and only required, if there are multiple spooled files with the same ID.


Input output queue

If you select *SELECT as the input spooled file, then the spooled files on this input output queue are listed, and you can select spooled file with option 1=Select.


After selecting the spooled file with you enter an editor (EDTF), where you can change the contents as you please.


The editor looks like this:



Edit File: /APF3812Home/Work/APFEDTPRTW.042365                                

Record :       1   of      35 by   8            Column :    1    378 by  74    

Control :                                                                      


CMD ....+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+

    ************Beginning of data**************                                

  /SKIP 1  SIDE 0001  =======================================================






                         Print Key Output                                Page

      5761SS1 V6R1M0 080215                PMK250              10/07/18  15:5


      Display Device  . . . . . :  QPADEV0001                                

      User  . . . . . . . . . . :  KSE                                        


                             Displayable characters                          



F2=Save   F3=Save/Exit   F12=Exit   F15=Services   F16=Repeat find            

F17=Repeat change  F19=Left  F20=Right                                        



You can use various commands in the CMD column, and you can e.g. force a page break by copying the top line /SKIP 1  SIDE 0001 ========= to insert a page break.


When done with the editing just press F3. The new, edited spooled file is named EDTPRT.