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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: File sets

Assign access to file sets

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Access to file sets can be setup in several ways. The best way depends on the task at hand:


1.Give/remove access to a file set for multiple users at a time.

If you want to give/remove access to a new file set to multiple users, then you should select these options:

80. Administering InterForm400  

2. Work with file sets

And use option 9=User access for the file set. Then you can add/remove access by adding or removing the 'X' for each user:

         Edit users access to file set                                UMA310D  


File set . . . . . . . . :   KSE          Kim S Egekjær                        


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  X=Access   blank=No access                                                  


Acc   User        Description                                                  

X    KSE         Kim S Egekjær                                                

X    TK          Thomas Klein                                                













F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel                                            



2.Give/remove a users access to multiple file sets at a time.

If you want to change a users access to multiple file sets, you should consider these options in InterForm400:

80. Administering InterForm400  

1. Work with InterForm400 users

Now select option 9=File set access for a user and then you can add/remove access to file sets by adding/removing the 'X' next to the file set:


         Edit user file set access                                    UMA300D  


User profile . . . . . . :   KSE          Kim S Egekj{r                        


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  X=Access   blank=No access                                                  


Acc   File set    Description                                                  

X    DEMO        Demo file set        

X    KSE         Kim S Egekjær                                                

   SAMPLE      InterForm 400 Samples                                        

X    TEST        Entwicklung / #nderung von Formularen                        

X    ZEBRA       zebra                                                        










F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel                                              




3.Remove or add access to a file set for one specific user.

To add or remove access to a single file set for one specific user you can use the option below, but any of the other options above will also do the same. To do this you select options:

80. Administering InterForm400  

3. Connect users with overlay file sets


Now you state the user profile, that you want to change and hit Enter to view the screen below:


         Connect users with overlay and report file sets              APF340D  


A user can be connected with one or more specific file sets                    

Several users may be connected with the same file set.                        


User profile KSE       Kim S Egekjær                                          


This user is connected with the following file sets:                          


        DEMO       Demo file set        

        KSE        Kim S Egekjær                                              

        TEST       Entwicklung / #nderung von Formularen                      

        ZEBRA      zebra                                                      



Specify name of file set to be connected with / disconnected from user:        







F3=Exit             F4=List InterForm400 file sets             F12=Cancel      



Just type the name of the file set you want to either add or remove from the list, that this specific user has access to.