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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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File sets

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The overlays (forms) in InterForm400 are placed in file sets. So you can think of file sets as containers for overlays and overlay selectors.


The file set, SAMPLE can be used for testing and demo, but should NOT be used for production as the overlays inside will not be copied to the new InterForm400 version in case of a future upgrade of InterForm400.


You can use file sets to order your overlays. You can e.g. create one file set per department, or you can create a special production file set and another file set for test overlays. It is a good idea not to create too many file sets as overlays and overlay selectors can only refer to overlays within the same file set.


There are two types of file sets:


1 = Laser printer

2 = Label printer


Both are described below.


Access to the file sets are configured as below.


Type: 1=Laser printer

These types of file sets are used for Laser printing (PCL5), PDF output and for WinPrint.


Type: 2=Label printer

File sets of type 2=Label printer are reserved for label printing i.e. ZPLII (Zebra Printer Language 2) compatible printers and IDP (Intermec Direct Protocol) compatible label printers.


For each file set you can setup access per user profile.


The file sets are maintained via options:


80. Administering InterForm400

2. Work with file sets


Here you see this screen:


         Work with file sets                                          APF410D  


Position to . . . . . .                File set                                


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   7=Rename   9=User access                      

  12=Overlays in file set                                                      


Opt   File set    Description                                        Type      

  DEMO        Demo file set                                      Laser DPX

  KSE         Kim S Egekjær                                      Laser DPX

  SAMPLE      InterForm 400 Samples                              Laser    

  TEST        Entwicklung / Änderung von Formularen              Laser DPX

  ZEBRA       zebra                                              Zebra    









F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  



The file-sets in the system are file members, so they must meet the requirements to member names, i.e. the first character must be within the range A-Z. The succeeding characters can be A-Z, "_" (underscore), 0-9 or blanks, with the restriction that blanks may only appear at the end of the name.


If you press F6=Create, you get the following screen:



         Create file set                                              APF411D  


File set . . . . . . . . .                                                  


Description  . . . . . . .                                                  


Printer class  . . . . . .     1 = Laser printer                            

                                 2 = Label printer                            


Do you want to use duplex print  . . . . . .     Y=Yes, N=No                

(only active for HP LaserJet 4D and 4500D)                                    












F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          



For the 1=Laser print file sets you can set the duplex option above. This will enable/disable duplex options on the overlays inside the file set. If in doubt you can enable duplex on the file set and then only enable duplex on the specific overlays/merges when needed.