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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Auto Forms Control (AFC)

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Auto Forms Control (AFC) is a facility of the InterForm400 system, which enables you to define automatic functions for input spooled files without the need of any programming.


Auto Forms Control is a subsystem with multiple jobs, where each job is waiting for  spool files to become ready. When a spool file becomes ready, a data queue entry will be created, which wakes up the AFC job associated with the specific output queue, and the spooled file will be processed according to the AFC entries made for the monitored output queue.


Apart from the output queues monitored, two special jobs, TOOLSHED are also started. They are java service jobs, which can be used by various InterForm400 functions. It is e.g. used for installing color images, that are not BMP or JPG. Java 1.6 (or higher) is required for this.


You can get to the Auto Forms Control menu via option 5. Work with Auto Forms Control from the InterForm400 main menu or via the command:



The Auto Forms Control menu looks like below:


 InterForm400  -  Auto Forms Control                  System.......: PMK250    

                                                     Workstn ID...: QPADEV000B

Subsystem....: AUTO_FORM                                CCSID ....: 00277      

   Library...:   APF3812                             User ID......: KSE        


Select one of the following options:                                          


 1. Functions attached to Output Queues                                        

 2. Form Type Table                                                            

 3. Split Definitions                                                          

 4. Finish Definitions                                                        

 5. Sort Definitions                                                          

 6. PDF bookmark definitions                                                  

 7. PDF embedding definitions                                                  

 8. User output queue                                                          

 9. Work with email senders                                                    

10. Start AUTO_FORM subsystem                                                  

11. End AUTO_FORM subsystem                                                    

12. Work with active subsystem AUTO_FORM                                      




F3=Exit                     F6=Display messages             F12=Cancel        




The Auto Form subsystem can be renamed, or put in another library than APF3812 via the InterForm400 configuration as described here.


Start at IPL

It is recommended to add automatic start of the Auto Forms Control system, when the machine is IPL'd. This is normally done by adding these two lines to the end of the startup program referenced in the system value: QSTRUPPGM: