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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Configure InterForm400

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You enter InterForm400 via the command: APF3812/APFMENU.


General InterForm400 configuration is set via options:

70. Configuration and licences

2. Configure InterForm400


Then you will see the screens below.


Please notice, that you need to press Enter, and go through all of the screens (and press Enter on the final screen), before the changes values are stored.


The first screen is:



          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  



Specify default output queue for users with no individual output queue.        


Users may override value when using the system.                                


For laser print                                                      

  Output queue . . . . AFC_OUT1                                    

    Library  . . . . .   APF3812                                    

  Printer type . . .   HP4D_PJL   *BW, *BWD, *GREY, *GREYD,        

                                    *COLOR, *COLORD                  


For label print                                                      

  Output queue . . . . AFC_OUT2                                    

    Library  . . . . .   APF3812                                    

  Printer type . . .   ZEBRA300   ZEBRA203, ZEBRA300, QLZPL203,    

                                    IPL203, IPL300, IDP203, IDP300          



Allow users to override standard printer type ?     Y  (Y N)                  



F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



If you are only using one laser printer for manual merges (option 3 in the main menu), you can specify it above.


If you have more than one laser printer, you may wish to assign printers to users individually. This is done under Work with InterForm400 users.


The advantage of operating with standard output queues is, that users avoid having to select an actual output queue each time they enter the InterForm400 system. You setup a default output queue for both laser printing and for label printing - with fitting printer types. When you work in InterForm400 the output queue and printer type is always selected from these settings depending on the file set, that you are currently working with.


The system supports a number of different printers. Besides the types mentioned in the above screen, the system supports all other laser printers which emulates an HP printer. If you want to print in black/white, you should normally specify *GREY in the field Printer type.


If you have more than one printer type connected to System i, you should allow users to override the default printer type. Press Enter and the next screen is displayed.


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D



Specify default form type for the InterForm 400 system.                          


Users may override value when using the system.                                



        Form type     *STD______                                              





Select paper size     4  1 = LETTER      5 = COM-10      A = LEDGER          

                         2 = LEGAL       6 = MONARCH     B = A3        

                         3 = EXECUTIVE   7 = C5          C = A5        

                         4 = A4          8 = DL                        


Do you want to define paper size on the individual overlays           Y (Y N)




 F3=Exit                                                         F12=Cancel



The specified paper size will be used throughout the system, unless you state Y to allow individual paper size definitions for different overlays.


Note that the Paper size selection on the Design overlay menu (see screen with Global overlay settings) will only appear, if Y has been stated on the screen above. If N is inserted all overlays throughout the system will use the default paper size stated above.


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D





Number to be added to the macro numbers the system works with . . .   ____0    




The reason to add a number can be, that printers are equipped with            

flash-simm cards, that does not correspond to the HP standard saying,          

that a macro in the printers internal memory should be selected,              

even if it has the same number as a macro in the flash-simm.                  










F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



The screen above is a possibility of defining an offset to the macros generated by InterForm400.


InterForm400 will always load the overlay as a macro prior to the spool data for performance reasons. The macro ID can in some rare cases conflict with resident macros installed in the printer.


This default value of zero should normally not be changed.


           Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D




Do you want to use DDM to InterForm files                                      

on other AS/400                                                                


        Use DDM . . . . . . .   N     (Y N)                                    















F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel          



This screen above will allow InterForm400 to copy overlays from an installed InterForm400® on another System i using DDM (Distributed Data Management). When applying Y=Yes, the function key F10 will be available from the design menu, when copying from another overlay.

          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  




The Name that is used for this AS/400                                          

under "Other computers" on PC's.                                              


    Networkname  . . . . . . .        


    Sharename  . . . . . . . . APF3812Home                                




Public authorisation to files that are created in the /APF3812Home/VIEW directory.    


                                1   0 = *EXCLUDE                              

                                    1 = *ALL                                  



 Install SwiftView at drive                                                            

                                C   A - Z                                                




F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel                                                                                



Enter the IP-address or Network name/NetServer Name of the System i you work on. This name can be found with the command APF3812/DSPNETSVRA, or can be found under "other computers" on your System i Access connected Windows PC. This option is used in relation to the PCL viewer and the DDM features. If you are in doubt you can also specify the IP address of the System i - without delimiters.


Sharename can be used for situations, where you do not want to share the complete APF3812Home (In InterForm400 it used mainly for the possibility of a graphical view). If you instead have shared the APF3812Home/VIEW directory you can state the sharename here. Note, that you need to add the share before InterForm400 will accept this sharename. Use e.g. the command: APF3812/ADDFILSHR to share a directory.


Public authorisation

When you view a merge graphically a temporary file is created in /APF3812Home/VIEW. You can restrict access to this file, so that the public authority is *EXCLUDE. Then only the file creator and users profiles with authority *ALLOBJ have access to the file.


Install SwiftView at drive

If your users want to install Swiftview in another drive than the usual C-drive you can state a different drive name here. This is for all users.


The change of PUBLIC authority of the files in /APF3812Home/VIEW is only used when creating new files (not when replacing existing). To use the new authorization delete the files in /APF3812Home/VIEW, that holds the names of your end users. Do not delete the file SVIEW.EXE.


           Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D




Select primary language.                                                                                



        Language code  . . . . EN      DE=Deutsch, DK=Dansk, EN=English,      

                                        ES=Españoles, FR=Français, PT=Português      












F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel                                                                            


The screen above sets the primary language for the InterForm400 menus. This can be overwritten for each individual user.

           Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D


Do you want to use the APF3812/STRWTRCHK program as validity checking program

for the STRPRTWTR and STRRMTWTR commands, to avoid a writer to be started with

FORMTYPE(*ALL) on one of the output queues defined in Auto-Forms-Control, and

if yes, what formtype has to replace *ALL when a writer is started on one of  

these output queues.                                                          




    Use APF3812/STRWTRCHK as a validity checker   N   (Y N)                  


    Formtype to replace *ALL . . . . . . . . . .   __________                


This option is especially useful, if you are using the same output queue    

for both input to AFC-functions and for output to a printer, as a writer      

never should be started with FORMTYPE(*ALL) on such an output queue.        






F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel                                                                    


Normally you should add an additional output queue for each supported printer in InterForm400, but with this option you can share a single output queue between a printer and Auto Forms Control. State N if in doubt


If you want Auto Forms Control to monitor output queues, that also has printers attached, you can state a specific Form Type, that the writer should print (and ignore spooled files with other form types). If you activate this option with 'Y' above, then the OS400 commands STRWTRJOB and STRMTWTR are changed, and the validity checking program, APF3812/STWTRCHK are added to these commands.


Think twice before you activate this option. Perhaps you should copy the commands to another library and place that higher in the library list (than QSYS) to be sure, that you can always revert back to the original commands.


The option above will force the writers to only print spooled files with this specific form type, and ignore the spooled files with other form types, as they should be handled by Auto Forms Control.

          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  




Do you want to be able to use UCS2 (unicode) or DBCS (double byte)print.          



        Use UCS2 / DBCS  . . . Y     (Y N)                                    



Do you want underlines to be removed from DBCS input before merge.                                                                            


        Remove underlines  . . N     (Y N)                      



Do you want a default soft font to be used for unicode/PDFA PDF-files  

when download is not defined.


        Default soft font . . . ARIAL_UCS2     Name, *NONE  



F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        




On the screen above you state, if you want to use unicode and/or DBCS spooled files with InterForm400. If you state ‘Y’ unicode options will be visible and the USRDFNOPT field of spooled files to be merged will be inspected: If the value ‘IF-UCS2' is found the spooled file is considered to be unicode. You can also activate unicode output when you merge a spooled file with an overlay by stating ‘Unicode output=*YES’.


Remove underlines

The Remove underlines option simple indicates, if you want any underline characters from input DBCS spooled files in the final output. If you do not, then you can set this option to ‘Y’.


Default soft font

The last option, Default soft font can help you, if you quickly want to be able to generate unicode pdf or PDF/A output. A prerequisite for unicode and PDF/A is, that any font number used in the relevant overlay(s) a unicode soft font must be linked (via Autodownload) to an installed unicode soft font.


Instead of mapping each and every font number, you can instead here just select a default soft font to use for PDF. The unicode soft font must have already been installed as either a unicode soft font or a universal font.


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  




Auto Forms Control subsystem                                                  



   Subsystem description  . . AUTO FORM                                      

     Library  . . . . . . . .   APF3812                                        














F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



Just like for the AUTO_FORM subsystem above, InterForm400 will ask, if you want to change the other subsystems on the next 4 screens:


Output Schedule Control

Default subsystem: APF3812/OSCCTL

Email recovery

Default subsystem: APF3812/MAILINTER

Card reader terminal

Default subsystem: APF3812/TERMINTER


Default subsystem: APF3812/WINPRINT


WARNING: You should only refer to subsystems, that can be shut down during upgrades of InterForm400 without causing any problems. Sub systems like e.g. QINTER and QBASE should NOT be referred here.


It is very easy to change the subsystem: You just type the new name and library above. If the subsystem does not exist InterForm400 will suggest to copy and/or update a few necessary objects:


                Create AFC subsystem description                


Subsystem description  . .  AUTO_FORM3                          

  Library  . . . . . . . .    KSE                              


Press Enter to create the subsystem description or              

press F3 or F12 to cancel.                                      



The following objects will also be created or updated in        

the subsystem library:                                          


Object     Type   Description                                  

AUTO_FORM  *JOBQ  Auto Forms Control job queue                  

AUTO_FORM  *CLS   Auto Forms Control class                      

AUTO_FORM  *JOBD  Auto Forms Control job description            

AFCSTART   *JOBD  Auto Forms Control startup job description    


F3=Exit               F12=Cancel                                                                                                                                                                


Check here to see the authority requirements for the Auto_Form job description used.        


Important! If you chose to change the subsystem name or library then remember to change your start up IPL program to start the new sub system(s)!


(The Card reader terminal is used for the Digital signature/PDF Security module only).


The next configuration screen indicates how to handle Zebra printers:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  





Command prefixes and delimiter on Zebra printers.                              





        - Control commands prefix           Hex 7E   Default = X'7E' (tilde)  


        - Format commands prefix            Hex 5E   Default = X'5E' (caret)  


        - Delimiter                         Hex 2C   Default = X'2C' (comma)  








F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



Above you set the control characters, that InterForm400 should use as a part of the ZPL data stream. If you print to the same physical printer from other applications, then you need to make sure, that all applications are using the same control characters.


When you press Enter this screen appears:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  





Do you have Zebra printers with firmware nn.13.nn or older?                    

                                                                    N (Y N)    


Do you have Zebra printers with firmware nn.18.nn or newer?                    

                                                                    Y (Y N)    


This information is used to control format of soft fonts.                      


If you have both old and new versions of Zebra printers,                      

you will have to define which output queues uses the old firmware              

in work with printer control options on the administration menu.              



The settings should normally be as above, to indicate that you have only printer with new firmware in used. Printers with the older firmware was last sold over 15 years ago, so normally it is safe to assume, that your printers understand the new print data stream.

It is important to state the firmware that you printers are running above. Zebra has changed the supported soft font formats:

Firmware versions up to and including nn.13.nn supports one (older) kind of soft font support.

Firmware versions in the range nn.14.nn - nn.17.nn supports both the old soft fonts and a new, more efficient way to include soft fonts.

Firmware versions nn.18.nn and newer supports only the new, efficient types of soft fonts.


If you have a combination of both old printers (nn.13.nn or older) as well as new printers (nn.18.nn or newer), then you need to state Y for both above and you also need to tell InterForm400 on which output queues the old printers are attached as described here.


The next screen looks like this:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  


Zebra spooled file preview                                                    



Preview mode  . . . 1      1 = Display simulated print                        

                            2 = Use preview printer                            

                            3 = Use preview printer, if available              

                                (otherwise display simulated print)            


Preview printer                  Host or ip address      


Port  . . . . . . . 9100  1-65535 (Default = 9100)                          










F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



In this screen you can decide how you would like to preview the merged ZPLII result from InterForm400. The possibilities are these:


1 = Display simulated print

This is the default value. With this the ZPL spooled files are displayed via an internal conversion in InterForm400, that converts the ZPL datastream into PDF. The advantage with this is, that you will see the result very quickly and no physical printer is required. The disadvantage is, that what you see is not 100% correct (e.g. some fonts might look different than the printed result).


2 = Use preview printer

If you specify a printer (either as a name or IP-address) and a port number, then you can use the printer for making previews. The advantage is, that the displayed result is 100% the same as the printed result. The disadvantage with this is, that the printer cannot be used for any printing while previewing, it will also take longer to view the result and that only the first page will be shown.


3 = Use preview printer, if available

If you select this option, then InterForm400 will use the specified printer if available. If the printer is not available, then simulated print will be shown.


The next screen concerns the use of IPL compatible printers (IPL is short for Intermec Printer Language). If you are not using any IPL label printers with InterForm400 you just answer ‘N’ on the first screen and InterForm400 will skip all IPL related questions.


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  



Do you use Intermec label printers . . . . Y (Y N)                            


The system has support for Intermec printers up to model PD41/PD42.            


Newer printers are not supported, as these printers does not support          

soft fonts in the data stream.                                                














F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



If you answer ‘Y’ on the previous screen, then this will be shown:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  



Some old Intermec printers does not have the Swiss 721 Bold Condensed font,    

that we use as a substitute for the Triumvirate Bold Condensed font in        

Zebra printers.                                                                


Do you have such old printers  . . . . . . Y (Y N)                            




If you have not yet installed a soft font for Zebra printers, answer no here,  

and return to the configuration after having done so.                          










F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



If you are in doubt in regards to if you have these old printers, then you can initially answer ‘N’ above and then only change into ‘Y’ if you experience, that font numbers in the range 2000-2999 are not printed correctly on some IPL printers. If you select ‘Y’ on the screen above, then you will need to tell InterForm400 which soft font to use instead of the Swiss 721 Bold Condensed on the next screen:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  



Soft font to be used as substitute for Triumvirate Bold Condensed              

on Intermec printers.                                                          



Font name . . . . . . . . . .               ARIALM F4=List                  















F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



You can e.g. consider to use Arial Narrow Bold or similar instead. The procedure to install soft fonts for label printers is described here. Here you need to install the True Type Font (TTF) for the western codepage to be shown on the list above.


The screen below can be used, if you are printing with the Intermec Direct Protocol (IDP) print data stream (printer types IDP203 and IDP300). If so, you can select one of your Direct Protocol compatible printers for previewing in InterForm400. The printer should not be used for production printing in parallel.


          Configure InterForm400                                       APF101D  


Intermec Direct Protocol preview printer                                          



Preview mode  . . . 1      0 = No Direct protocol preview                        

                            1 = Use preview printer                            




Preview printer                  Host or ip address      


Port  . . . . . . . 9100  1-65535 (Default = 9100)                          










F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



The next screen of the configuration looks like below. You should normally select principle 1 as shown below. If you however have any issues, when selecting the right drawer on the connected printers (when using the paper type), then you should consider changing it to principle 2.


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  


Paper type selection principle                                                



Principle . . . . . 1   1 = HP and most other printers                        

                         2 = Kyocera                                          
















F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



The next screen of the configuration is this:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  


Do you want email addresses to be syntax checked                              



                    Y  (Y N)                                                  















F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



On the screen above you decide if you want InterForm400 to do a syntax test of email addresses when they are handled in an email finish definition. If this is ‘Y’ (recommended), then any email address is e.g. syntax checked when entered in the menues. If you set this to ‘N’, the syntax is not validated. The value ‘N’ can be used in installations, where customers e.g. using a special fax solution that is supporting email addresses not fitting all syntax requirements.


The final screen looks like this:


          Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  


Which PDF/A format do you want when creating PDF-files in PDF/A format.        


PDF/A format . . . . 2  2 = PDF/A-2b                                          

                        3 = PDF/A-3b                                          

PDF Version. . . . . 1.7    1.4, 1.7                                                                                


When you are embedding files into a PDF-file format PDF/A-3b will be used.    














F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



The PDF/A files created by InterForm400 are PDF/A-2b compatible unless you are embedding files into the PDF file, in which case the PDF/A files will be PDF/A-3b compatible.


The requirements for PDF/A-2b files are higher than for PDF/A-3b, so the recommendation is to select 2=PDF/A-2b above to signal the toughest requirement, that the PDF/A files meet.


However if you specifically want that the PDF/A files should claim to be PDF/A-3b compatible (even though they actually are both PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-3b compatible), then you set the choice to 3=PDF/A-3b above.


PDF version

The PDF version sets the version of PDF, that you want to generate. The PDF version will however be forced to version 1.7, if you create a PDF/A file or if you have embedded file(s) in the PDF.



Configure the AFC Error monitor

On the next screen you can activate the InterForm400 Error monitor for Auto Forms Control:


          Configure InterForm400                                       APF101D  


 Do you want the system to monitor AFC-jobs for errors and report errors by     

 sending emails?                                                                


   Monitor . . . . . : Y  (Y N)                                                 


  How many seconds delay between run of monitor job?                             


   Seconds . . . . . :   300   (10 - 600)                                       


 Which email address should be used as sender of error emails?                   


   Email address . . :                                     










 F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel         



(The middle part of the screen above is only shown if you have activated the monitor with 'Y').


The fields are these:



Activate the AFC Error monitor with Y if needed.Deactivate it with N.



The number of seconds between each verification to check if any jobs are waiting with an error (MSGW).


Email address

The email address aboce is used as the sender of emails sent by the AFC Error monitor.



When you press Enter the next screen will be shown only if you activated the Error monitor on the screen above (24/25):



         Configure InterForm400                                       APF101D


Do you want a default receiver of error emails from monitoring AFC-jobs,      

that is all jobs will be monitored also those without a specific            

receiver of mails?                                                            


  Use default receiver . . . Y  (Y N)                                        


Default email address  . . .                                                




Default email group  . . . . PMKTEST                                                                                                                      















F3=Exit           F4=Prompt                                 F12=Cancel      



On the last screen above you can choose if you want to send emails from the AFC Error monitor to a default email address or an email group. This can be overridden per output queue in the Error monitor.


The fields are these:


Use default receiver

If Y, then you need to fill out an email address or email group below.


Default email address

The default email address to send error report to.


To finalize the configuration you should do this:


From the InterForm400 Main Menu select ‘80. Administering InterForm 400' and then enter 1. Work with InterForm400 users. Press F6 to enter your System i user ID. Later you can add additional users which will have access to configure and/or define overlays and merge-definitions in InterForm400®.


Enter 2. Work with file sets (on the administration menu). Press F6 to create an overlay file set called e.g. TEST (select 1=Black/White Laser for Printer Class). Later you can add file sets for different purposes or for specific users.


Enter 3. Connect users with overlay file sets (on the administration menu). Connect your user profile to file set SAMPLE, and the file set you created in the previous step.


Start subsystem AUTO_FORM: From the Select 5. Work with Auto Forms Control from the InterForm400 Main Menu followed by option 10. Start AUTO_FORM subsystem.


You can now proceed to install and setup the PCL/PDF-viewer and the graphical designer.