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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The section covers the procedure to link a font number with one or more installed soft fonts for PCL/PDF output.


You reach the Autodownload configuration via these options in InterForm400:


80. Administering InterForm400

4. Work with fonts  

8. Auto download soft fonts


This menu enables you to create groups of printers and fonts which should have ordinary soft fonts and bar code soft fonts downloaded automatically when the font numbers are addressed in an overlay.



Auto download for PCL soft fonts


The printers are defined for auto download according to their System i printer queue names.


The soft fonts will be downloaded as temporary fonts in the beginning of a spool entry and deleted after the job is printed.


It is recommended to keep the amount and size of downloaded fonts to a minimum in order to reduce the traffic on the network and the workload on the System i.


For each printer group you define a number of printer queues and a number of fonts to be downloaded automatically. For PCL is it recommended to create only 1 printer group and add the output queue *ALLPCL via option 6=Update output queues. Only PCL printer groups with *ALLPCL can be exported/imported. Refer for details about export/import here.



Note: The queue you define for automatic download must be the one with the physical printer attached. I.e. when using Auto Forms Control the Auto download queue is the AFC output queue, not the AFC input queue.


Refer to the section: True Type font for PCL/PDF for the full setup.


Please note this, when adding printers to a printer group: You can specify either of these values instead of an output queue:



Download the soft fonts in a printer group (if used) to any printer or file (if merging to *OUTDOC with the command APF3812/APF3812). Use this if in doubt.



Download the soft fonts in a printer group (if used) to all files, if merging to *OUTDOC with the command, APF3812/APF3812.



          Work with auto download soft fonts                         PGR300


Start with . . . . . . . .   __________


Type option, press Enter                                                      

  2=Change  3=Copy  4=Delete   6=Update output queue 8=Update fonts


 Opt     Printer group   Description  

  _       *PDF           Output to PDF files

  _       *PCL           All PCL output (*ALLPCL)








F3=exit         F5=Refresh            F6=Add              F12=Cancel



In order to select the soft font from an overlay, it has to be defined as a font number.



Auto Download for PDF output


If it is required to use True Type Fonts in PDF output, the TTF file has to be installed. Following you can specify, if a certain font number is used when creating PDF output, then a specific PDF soft font member should be used.

You add a new font to be used in PDF, by using option 8-Update fonts. If you then press F6 to add a new font, you get the screen below:



         Add Auto download Soft Font                                  PGR332D


Printer group name . . . :  *PDF                                              


Font number  . . . . . . .  ____        F4=List                              

Symbol set number  . . . .  _           1 = Western                          

                                        2 = Central European                  

                                        3 = Baltic                            

                                        4 = Turkish                          

                                        5 = Cyrillic                          

                                        6 = Greek                            

                                        7 = Arabic                            

                                        8 = Hebrew                            

                                        U = UCS2 unicode                      


Font member name 0°  . . .  __________  F4=List                              


When to embed font . . . .  *ALWAYS___  *ALWAYS *PRI *SEC *NEVER            


F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                               F12=Cancel        



The font number must have the same characteristics as the soft font (bold, italic, condenced, proportional/fixed).


With 'When to embed font' you can state when you want to download the font. *PRI will download the soft font only when you do a primary merge and *SEC will download the soft font only when you do a secondary merge.


In this manner you can include the soft font only in PDF files, where it is needed and save the space if the soft font is already installed on the PC's that are to open the PDF files.



TIP: Even though the same font member can not be used for both PCL and PDF output, you can associate one font number to a PCL font member and a PDF font member. Therefore if you install a TTF as a PCL font member and a PDF font member you can get the same output on both PDF and PCL using one font number.



Auto Download for InterWord400 PDF output


If you use InterWord400 and you want to use soft fonts for the PDF output you need to install the soft fonts in InterForm400 (and InterWord400) and setup auto download for this printer group via option 8=Update fonts for the *IWPDF printer group:



         Soft Fonts to be downloaded automatic                        PGR330D  


Printer group name . . . :  *IWPDF                                            


Start with . . . . . . . .                                                    


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Update   4=Delete                                                          


Opt   IW-fontnbr       Symbol set         Number of fonts      Font embedding  

 _       9999          1 Western              4                *ALWAYS        












F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



Press F6 to add new soft fonts to the list:



         Add Auto download Soft Font                                  PGR332D


Printer group name . . . :  *IWPDF                                            


InterWord font number  . . 9998        F4=List                              

Symbol set number  . . . . 1           1 = Western                          

                                        2 = Central European                  









Font member normal . . . . FONT_NM    F4=List                              

Font member bold . . . . . FONT_BD    F4=List                              

Font member italic . . . . FONT_IT                                          

Font member bold italic  . FONT_BD_IT                                        

When to embed font . . . . *ALWAYS     *ALWAYS *PRI *SEC *NEVER            



F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                               F12=Cancel