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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Fonts > Fonts for PCL/PDF

Resident fonts for PCL/PDF

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Apart from the predefined fonts, you can add additional fonts yourself. In general you should consider to add a universal font to get the best result with the smallest amount of work.


The most simple fonts are the resident fonts, that refer to font type faces. The type face is assumed to be known by the printer (or PDF viewer). If there is a problem with the result you should consider to link the font number with a soft font or to define a universal font instead.


You work with the resident fonts via these menu options:


80. Administering InterForm400

4. Work with fonts  

1. Description of additional fonts


Now you will see this:



         Work with Fonts                                              APF360D          


Position to . . . . . .   ____   Font                                    


Type options, press Enter.                                          

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display   7=Assign new font number      

  8=Display overlays referring to font                                                                                                              

Opt   Font        Description                                                    

 _    7001        Copy font                                                

 _    9901        Sample - Universe 7 pt                                          

 _    9902        Sample - Universe 8 pt                                          

 _    9903        Universe - 10 pt                                                

 _    9904        Sample - Universe 12 pt                                        

 _    9905        Sample - Universe bold 9 pt                                    

 _    9906        Universe - Sample 18 pt                                        

 _    9910        Sample - Universe 7 pt                                          





F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  




NOTE: Commitment control is used in InterForm400 when you rename fonts in InterForm400 via option ‘7=Assign new font number’ as shown above. This is the only function in InterForm400 using commitment control. This is important to notice if you are running an iASP installation: The ASP group must be set prior to font renumbering.  


Pressing F6 to add a new font brings up the following screen:



         Create Font                                                  APF370D      


Font  . . . . . . . . . . .      4200-9999                                    


                                   4200-4299 QR Bar Code - Model 2                    

                                   4300-4399 Data Matrix Bar Code - ECC200        

                                   4400-4499 PDF417 barcode                  

                                   4500-4599 EAN8/EAN13/UPC-A soft fonts        

                                   4600-4699 Code 39 soft fonts                

                                   4700-4799 Code 128 soft fonts                

                                   4800-4899 IDA bar codes                      

                                   4900-4999 Interleaved 2 of 5 soft fonts        

                                   5000-9999 Other fonts                        










F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                            



Additional fonts must have a font ID in the interval 5000-9999, i.e. you can define up to 5100 fonts in addition to the predefined standard fonts. The other areas are reserved for bar code fonts.


In order to define a new font, we could for instance enter 9990 and we would get the following screen:



         Description additional fonts                                 APF360D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . .  9990  Other fonts                                


Description . . . . . . . .  _______________________________________              


Spacing . . . . . . . . . .  _       0=Fixed, 1=Proportional                  

Pitch . . . . . . . . . . .  _0,00   0,10-49,99                              

Height  . . . . . . . . . .  __0,00  1,00-792,00                              

Style . . . . . . . . . . .  0       0=Upright  1=Italic  4=Condensed        

                                     5=Condensed italic                      

Stroke weight . . . . . . .  0_      (-7 - +7) 0=Medium <0=Light >0=Bold      

Typeface  . . . . . . . . .  ____0   0-65535                                  

Symbol set  . . . . . . . .  _____   blank=standard                          


Override spacing  . . . . .  _____   blank=standard










F11 = Delete               F4 = Prompt                            F12 = Cancel



The description text will appear on overviews of fonts (prompt with F4).


The following information for your specific font can be collected by printing out a font list from your printer. This is a facility of the HP printers, and is common for many other compatible printers also. Alternatively, you can consult your printers technical reference for information on the resident fonts.



Indicates whether the font is mono spaced (fixed pitch) or proportional spaced.


(This is used for fixed fonts like Courier and Letter Gothic. Fixed fonts are rare, so if in doubt your font is probably a proportional font.)        

1=Propotional spaced

(Used for most fonts)



This field is only of importance if you have chosen monospaced spacing. Then enter e.g. 10,00 for 10 CPI. If you have chosen proportional spacing, just enter a value within the valid interval, as the width of the individual letters is relative to the height of the font.



The height of a proportional font is expressed in typographical points. A point is 1/72 of an inch. A font height of 1/3 of an inch therefore has to be specified as 24,00. The height of a font is slightly greater than the distance from the top of a capital letter to the bottom of e.g. the letter "g".



Style has the following meaning:


(Normal font)


(Italic font)


Stroke weight:

This describes the thickness of the characters:


(Normal font)


(Bold font)

Only use stroke weights supported by the printer. Unsupported values (normally anything but 0 and 3) are ignored and defaults to 0.



This field has to be filled in with an ID-number of the typeface to be used. There is a lot of possible typefaces (refer to the font list or the technical reference of the printer). Here the normal scalable typefaces of the HP4 (PCL5e) are shown:


00000 = Line printer  

00003 = Courier      

04101 = CG Times      

04102 = Letter Gothic

04113 = Omega        

04113 = Coronet      

04140 = Clarendon    

04148 = Univers      

04168 = Antique Olive

04197 = Garamond

04297 = Marigold

04362 = Albertus

16602 = Arial    

16901 = Times New


You can press F1 on the screen above to see this list.


Symbol Set:

The symbol set of the font. Entering a symbol set here is normally for selecting special symbol character sets.


Override spacing:

Here you can override the spacing for fixed width fonts. If you e.g. use a 10 CPI courier font and override to 5 then the 10 CPI font is written with a spacing of 5 CPI.


Note that changing the above parameters does not change the appearance of the font unless a font matching the changes can be found in the printer. Print out a font list from the printers front panel to get an overview of available resident PCL fonts.


You can freely name the fonts as you please, but might be a good idea to consider a naming standard e.g. like for the font numbers created by the universal font wizard - here the two first digits indicate the type face, stoke weight and style and the last 2 digits indicate the font size.



Example of Defining a Resident Printer font


We want to define a 70 point Univers Bold Italic for use in our overlay definitions. We know this font is available as a resident scalable font in HP4 compatible printers.


First we must print out a Font List from the printer’s front panel. Refer to the User’s Guide of your printer.


Univers Bold Italic is listed on a HP4 Font List with the following PCL Escape Sequence:




If we break it up, we have the following information:


1p      = Proportional (Spacing)

___v    = Empty field for point size (Height)

1s      = Italic (Style)

3b      = Bold (Stroke Weight)

4148T   = Univers (Typeface)

“Blank” = Use the default


We now only need to define the font ID which will be used to select the font when designing forms. By pressing F4 we will get a list of the font ID’s between 5000 and 9999 which are already occupied.


In the following we have chosen font ID 7001 to represent our 70 point Univers font:



         Description additional fonts                                 APF360D  


 Font  . . . . . . . . . . .  7001  Other fonts                          


Description . . . . . . . .   Univers Bold Italic 70 Point                                          


Spacing . . . . . . . . . .   1      0=Fixed, 1=Proportional            

Pitch . . . . . . . . . . .  _0,10   0,10-49,99                        

Height  . . . . . . . . . .  _70,00  1,00-792,00                        

Style . . . . . . . . . . .  1       0=Upright  1=Italic  4=Condensed  

                                     5=Condensed italic                

Stroke weight . . . . . . .  3_      (-7 - +7) 0=Medium <0=Light >0=Bold

Typeface  . . . . . . . . .  _4148   0-65535                            

Symbol set  . . . . . . . .  _____   blank=standard                    


Override spacing  . . . . .  _____   blank=standard










F11 = Delete               F4 = Prompt                            F12 = Cancel



Now font 7001 and the description Univers Bold Italic 70 point will appear in the list of available fonts (prompted by F4) anywhere in the InterForm400 system where you can insert a font number.