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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Fonts

Universal fonts

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It is possible to create individual font numbers, and link them manually to an installed soft font, but it can be some tedious work, if you e.g. want to define multiple sizes of the same font. The work becomes even more, if you want to use the same soft font (True Type Font) for codepages, that belong to different ASCIII codesets, because then you need to install the soft font for each ASCII codeset, that you want to generate.


The quick, efficient shortcut is to define a new universal font for all outputs: PCL, PDF, IDP and ZPL. With this you refer to a True Type Font, select a font range, and then InterForm400 will create the same font in many different sizes and prepare the Type Type Font for any ASCII codeset, which means you can immediately start to use the new fonts without any additional configuration.


The procedure to install a universal font is shown in this video:



Installation of universal fonts

To install a new universal font you first need to upload the True Type Font in question to the IFS inside /APF3812Home/Work. Now you select these options work with the universal fonts:


80. Administering InterForm400

4. Work with fonts

2. Work with universal fonts


Then you see this screen:



         Work with universal soft fonts                               FNT350D  


Position to . . . . . .            Font name                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   4=Delete   5=Display   8=Dsp. attributes   9=Where used          


Opt  Font name   Description                                                  

  COMIC       Comic Sans MS                                                














F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  



If you select option 4=Delete for a universal font, then InterForm400 will delete:

The related font number for PCL/PDF and label file sets.

The related soft fonts for PCL/PDF and label file sets.

Entries in auto download for printer groups *PCL and *PDF.


You can use option 9=Where used to display a list of all overlays, that are using one of the related font numbers for a universal font.


If e.g. InterForm400 refuse to delete a universal font with the message:

Universal font in use. Use the where used option to find out where.

- then you can use option 9=Where used to identify the involved overlays, and even the line numbers in the overlay, where the fonts are used.


To install a new soft font (True Type Font), you press F6=Create:




         Install Universal TrueType font from /APF3812Home/Work       FNT355D  


PC file . . . . . . . . . . ARIAL.TTF                                        




















F3=Exit               F4=List                               F12=Cancel        



Here you can press F4 to select the TTF file with ‘1' or type the name of the file. Press Enter to proceed:



PC file . . . . . . . . . :  ARIAL.TTF                                        


Font name . . . . . . . . :  Arial                                            



Universal font name . . . .  Arial     F4=List                                


Universal font description   Arial KSE test                  



Please note, that there are only 6 characters available for the universal font name. That limit is necessary as InterForm400 will create multiple soft fonts - one for each ASCII codeset, and each need a unique name. You can press F4 to view the list of fonts already taken. You need to select a (new) name, that is not listed here.


The description is retrieved from the soft font, and will be used for both the soft font descriptions and descriptions for the font numbers, that will be created. You can change it now before proceeding. The changed description will be used for the font numbers.


When you hit Enter, InterForm400 will find list the possible font ranges (a complete font range xx00-xx99 must be free for both PCL/PDF and Label/Zebra file sets in order to be listed):



         Available intervals for universal font numbers              FNT357D  


Select font interval to be used for new universal font.                      



Opt      Interval                                                            














      83nn                                                                +



F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



Select the font range, that you want to use with ‘1=Select’ and press Enter.


Now InterForm400 lists the font sizes, that will be created. You can edit this list, if needed:



         Define sizes for universal font                              FNT358D



  2=Change   4=Delete                                                        

Opt    Fontnbr     Height   Description                                      

    9704          4,00   Arial KSE test  4 Pt                              

    9705          5,50   Arial KSE test 5.50 Pt                            

    9706          6,00   Arial KSE test  6 Pt                              

    9708          7,92   Arial KSE test  8 Pt                              

    9710         10,08   Arial KSE test 10 Pt                              

    9712         12,00   Arial KSE test 12 Pt                              

    9713         12,96   Arial KSE test 13 Pt                              

    9714         13,92   Arial KSE test 14 Pt                              

    9715         15,12   Arial KSE test 15 Pt                              

    9716         16,08   Arial KSE test 16 Pt                              

    9717         17,04   Arial KSE test 17 Pt                              

    9718         18,00   Arial KSE test 18 Pt                              

    9719         18,96   Arial KSE test 19 Pt                             +


Press F3 or F12 to leave creation of universal font.                          

Press F16 to accept sizes and continue creating universal font.              


F3=Exit                                 F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



The size of the fonts are rounded to the nearest 0.24 point, to ensure the same size in both PCL and PDF. As default the font numbers are named xxyy, where:


xx is the font range selected earlier.

yy is the size of the font.


The size is as default also included as a part of the description, but you can change the descriptions with 2=Change.


You can delete one or more of the suggested font numbers with option 4=Delete and create additional font numbers with F6=Create.


When/if you are happy with the settings, you can start the process, that creates all the soft fonts, font numbers and auto download specification by pressing F16. Have patience as this is a longer running function.


You can also abandon the process now with F3 or F12.



The result

After adding a new universal soft font like described above, the font numbers are immediately available for use in any codepage in any kind of output in InterForm400.


After creating the new universal font, you will see these changes:


The input soft font has been installed for all supported ASCII codesets, where the last 3 characters indicate the ASCII codeset e.g.:












Arial Arabic                  

Arial Baltic                  

Arial Central Europe          

Arial Central Europe with Euro

Arial Cyrilic                  

Arial Cyrilic with Euro  

Arial Greek              

Arial Turkey            

Arial Western            

Arial Western with Euro  

Arial Unicode


The soft fonts above have been installed for  PCL, PDF and for Label file sets.


The font numbers have been created with the requested descriptions:






Arial KSE test  4 Pt  

Arial KSE test  5.50 Pt  

Arial KSE test  6 Pt  

Arial KSE test  8 Pt  


The auto download configuration has been prepared, so that all the font numbers are linked with all the soft fonts created - for the PCL,PDF printer groups:



           Soft Fonts to be downloaded automatic                        PGR330D  


Printer group name . . . :  *PCL                                              


Start with . . . . . . . .                                                


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Update   4=Delete                                                          


Opt  Font number  Symbol set                  Font member                      

     9704      Greek                       ARIALAR                        

     9704      UCS2 unicode                ARIAL                          

     9704      Roman-8                     ARIALWE                        

     9704      PC-8                        ARIALCE                        

     9704      Western w/o Euro            ARIALBA                        

     9704      Central Europe w/o Euro     ARIALWEE  

     9704      Baltic                      ARIALCY    

     9704      Western with Euro           ARIALCYE  

     9704      Cyrillic w/o Euro           ARIALTY    

     9704      Cyrillic with Euro          ARIALGR    

     9704      Turkish                     ARIALCEE      


F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        




         Soft Fonts to be downloaded automatic                        PGR330D  


Printer group name . . . :  *PDF                                              


Start with . . . . . . . .                                                    


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Update   4=Delete                                                          


Opt  Font number  Symbol set                Font member      Font embedding    

     9704      UCS2 unicode                ARIALX           *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Western                     ARIALXWE         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Central European            ARIALXCE         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Baltic                      ARIALXBA         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Turkish                     ARIALXTY         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Cyrillic                    ARIALXCY         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Greek                       ARIALXGR         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Arabic                      ARIALXAR         *ALLWAYS        

     9704      Hebrew                      ARIALXHE         *ALLWAYS        

     9705      UCS2 unicode                ARIALX           *ALLWAYS        

     9705      Western                     ARIALXWE         *ALLWAYS        


F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



The Label/Zebra fonts created are also linked with the installed Label soft fonts:

   Soft fonts:











Central European






TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial

TrueType  Arial


The soft fonts are linked to each font number:



           Change zebra font                                            ZEB370D  


Font  . . . . . . . . . . :  9704  Other fonts                                


Description . . . . . . . .  Arial KSE test  4 Pt                              


Height  . . . . . . . . . .  4,00  1,00-792,00                              

Relative width  . . . . . . 1,00    0,20-5,00                                

Replace 0 with Ø  . . . . .       0 = No, 1 = Yes                          

Special EBCDIC codepage . .                                            


Soft font member name per symbolset                  Note:                    

  Western . . . . . . . . .  ARIALWE                Intermec printers does    

  Central European  . . . .  ARIALCE                not support relative      

  Baltic  . . . . . . . . .  ARIALBA                width.                    

  Turkish . . . . . . . . .  ARIALTY                                          

  Cyrillic  . . . . . . . .  ARIALCY                                          

  Greek . . . . . . . . . .  ARIALGR                                          

  Arabic  . . . . . . . . .  ARIALAR                                          

  Hebrew  . . . . . . . . .  ARIALHE                                          

  Special . . . . . . . . .                                                    

  UCS2 unicode  . . . . . .  ARIALX                                            

F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel