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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

If you want to archive PDF files for very long term archiving, then it can be a good idea to create PDF files that are PDF/A compliant, making it more likely that the PDF files can be opened correctly in a very distant future.


To help you with that InterForm400 also offers the ability to create PDF files that are PDF/A compliant. For an in dept description of PDF/A you can e.g. consult the site:


The PDF/A compliant files are either PDF/A-2b or PDF/A-3b compliant. Earlier versions of InterForm400 generated PDF/A-1b compliant files.

You can set your preferences for PDF/A via one of the setup screens in the InterForm400 configuration.


The main differences between PDF/A-1b and PDF/A-2b (and PDF/A-3b) are:


The new formats are generated in the PDF 1.7 format, which means, that the PDF/A files can be opened by e.g. Acrobat Reader 8 and newer. Pre-2013 versions generated PDF/A files in the PDF 1.4 format, which can be opened with e.g. Acrobat Reader 5 and newer.

PDF/A-3b includes the possibility to embed non-PDF files.

The new formats has other advantages e.g. supporting layers of images.


If you combine PDF/A with embedded files, the PDF/A files will be PDF/A-3b compliant.


A short explanation to setup PDF/A is included in this video:




A longer introduction to PDF/A is covered in this video:





The Requirements


Before you can create PDF files that are PDF/A compliant, you will need to install a unicode soft font. The unicode soft font is installed as a TTF (True Type Font).


You need to link all used font numbers with a unicode soft font for the *PDF printer group in Autodownload (in the font menu).


The full requirements for PDF/A is similar to unicode output.


Remember that even the font number referenced on the header (and extended page definitions) of the overlays also need be linked with a unicode soft font in InterForm400:



           Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name         PDFA                                                      


Overlay text         PDF/A demo overlay                                        

Line spacing         040       in 1/240 of an inch (*INPUT, 1-720)            

Rotation             000       (*INPUT, 0, 90, 180, 270)                      

Extra left margin                                                              

        positions     0        (0-99)                                          

Maximum number of                                                              

  print positions    378       (1-378)                                        

Extra blank lines                                                              

           on top     0        (0-99)                                          

Font                 9900     *INPUT, fontnumber     F4=List                

Extended page def.   N         (Y N)                                          

Drawer / Papertype   *PRINTER  (*INPUT, *PRINTER, 1-256, Name)   F4=List      

Paper Size           1         F4=List                                        

Pages per side        1                                                        

Copy management      N         (Y N)                                          




F3=Exit      F4=Prompt          F11=Delete this overlay          F12=Cancel    

F13=Set view/print parameters   F14=View           F18=DSPSPLF   F19=DSPPFM    



You will also need to specify Unicode Output=*PDFA, when you merge (with a spooled file), when using the PDF file naming definition, and with UNICODEOUT(*PDFA)  on the MRGSPLFPDF command.


It is not allowed to encrypt a PDF/A file, so it is not possible to encrypt these files. (The Advanced PDF module is required for encryption).        



The Result


When you open a PDF/A compliant PDF file, you will see this in Acrobat Reader:




- indicating that the PDF file is PDF/A compliant.