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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

If you want to handle DBCS spooled files, unicode input spooled files or mix various codepages in a single output, then you need to create unicode output in InterForm400.



The prerequisites for unicode output are:


1.You need to enable DBCS/Unicode in the InterForm400 configuration.

2.You need to install at least one unicode soft font.

3.A unicode soft font must be linked in auto download with each used font number in the overlay(s), that you want to use for unicode output.

4.A simple way (instead of option 2 and 3 above) is to enable a True Type Font for unicode as a universal font.

5.All font numbers selected in the overlays used for unicode output must be linked with a unicode soft font in the autodownload setup. Alternatively you can set a default unicode soft font in the InterForm400 configuration.

6.For label printers you need to follow the description below.

7.You need to specify unicode=*yes on the merge with the overlay or overlay selector.



This video explains:





Unicode output for label printers

If you want to print out unicode on label printers, then you should consider the prerequisites below:


1.First you need either to install a universal font or a unicode soft font.

2.Now you need to link the unicode soft font with a font number (if you have not already created a universal font). This is described here.

3.You need to enable/activate the unicode option on the merge by selecting unicode=*YES.