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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Overlay selectors

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In InterForm400 you can merge an input spooled file with an overlay to create a new, formatted output e.g. a print out or a PDF file. The overlay can contain conditions and conditioned overlays to create a dynamic output, that depends on the contents of the input spooled file.


If you want to print a fixed back page on either the first or last page of the merged spooled file, then you should consider to use an overlay selector, that selects a special duplex overlay for the spooled file page, where the back page is to be added - and a normal simplex (non-duplex) overlay for the other pages.


You can however also chose to merge with an overlay selector instead of an overlay. The difference is, that an overlay selector can select between overlays per page depending on the page number (first or last) and the contents of the actual page in the spooled file. The overlay selector is able to select between overlay within one file set.


NOTE: When you use an overlay selector to merge with, then the selected overlay name is stored in an internal copy of the spooled file in positions 369-378 in line 1. You can see that in the green screen designer with F19=DSPPFM, if you have selected a spooled file and an overlay selector with F13=Set view/print parameters.



When you use an overlay selector, then InterForm400 will insert the overlay name on each page in line 1 position 369-378 in an internal work file. This means, that you cannot use these positions in your spooled file.



It is not necessary to define an AFC definition to let the Overlay Selector take effect. An overlay selector can be used when making an interactive merge using option 3. Merge Spool Entry with Overlay on the main menu.


When selecting option 4. Working with Overlay Selectors on the main menu the following screen appears:



         Work with Overlay Selectors                                  SEL300D  


Start with . . . . .                                                          


Type option, Press Enter.                                                      

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt  Selector  File set    Description                                        

 _   A         PMK         Selector Ab                                        

  D_PDF000  ITS_2B      2B - Gruppe              AB. AN. RG ablegen in PDF  

  DEMOINV   DEMOIDX     Selector for Demo: Invoices            

  DEMOOC    DEMOIDX     Selector for Demo: Order Confirmation  

  DUPLEX    PMK         Test duplex side1                                  

  FAKTURA   PRODUKTION  Faktura                                            

  HVE       HVE         Test HVE                                            

  HVE2      HVE         Test HVE                                            

  IFNBK     IFNBK       NB                                

  KSE       KSE                                                            

  LOGITR    PMK         Faktura                                  

  MULTIUP   PMK                                                            

  NEOPOST   PMK         Test af kuvertering Neopost barcode                


F3=Exit             F5=Refresh          F6=Add              F12=Cancel        



Press F6=Add to create a new Overlay Selector:



         Add Overlay selectors                                       AFC300D  


Selector name . . . ________                                  

Description . . . . __________________________________________________

File set  . . . . . __________                                                      

















F3=Exit        F4=Prompt                                       F12=Cancel    




Selector Name

The name you will be referring to in the AFC function 1. Merge with overlay in Functions attached to output queues, and for other merges e.g. using option 3. Merge spool entry with overlay.



For your information.


File set

The file set which the overlay selector should be restricted to select overlays from.





Selection Criteria Entries


         Add Overlay selectors                                       AFC300D  


Selector name . . . INTERMA_                                  

Description . . . . Selection for INVOICE_____________________________

File-set  . . . . . TEST                                                      

Seqnbr.   Overlay name   Overlay description

















You can now enter the specific requirements your spool entry data should meet for selecting a certain overlay. You can have several sequence lines checking on many different types of spool entries under the same selector definition, or you can make selectors for each print job type.


If the conditions for a sequence line (overlay) are true for a given page of the spool entry being checked, the rest of the sequence lines will be ignored.


When entering a sequence line you will get the following screen:



         Add Overlay selectors                                       AFC300D  


Selector name . . . INTERMA_                                  

Description . . . . Selection for INVOICE____________________________

File-set  . . . . . TEST______                                                  

Seqnbr.   Overlay name   Overlay description








Seqnbr    Overlay name                                                  

  1,0     INV_FRONT_                                

          AND/OR Print line  Position   Oper  Compare value

                   ___       ___ - ___  PAGE  *FIRST__________________________

           AND_    __1       __1 - __7  __EQ  INVOICE__________________________

           ____    ___       ___ - ___  ____  ________________________________

           ____    ___       ___ - ___  ____  ________________________________

           ____    ___       ___ - ___  ____  ________________________________

           ____    ___       ___ - ___  ____  ________________________________

                                        F11=Delete          F12=Cancel        



Overlay name

The name of the overlay to call in the file-set defined in the entry screen for the Overlay Selector.



Relate this statement to the previous statement. Normal boolean logic apply.


Print Line

The print line in the spool entry to search



The column interval/positions to search



The operator relating to the compare value.

The operators used are standard operators known from e.g. Query/400:



Equal to compare value


Not equal to compare value


Less than compare value


Less than or equal to compare value


Greater than compare value


Greater than or equal to compare value


Select only for certain pages. This can be used for spooled files with unknown contents.


Compare Value

The character string or numeric value which the operator should be compared to. No delimiters are used. If the operator is PAGE you can use these values:



Only for the first page of the spooled file.


Only for the last page of the spooled file.


Only for odd page numbers


Only for even page numbers


To add new sequence lines between existing lines you can type in a number with decimal point (or decimal comma - depending on your setup) like so: Specify the new sequence line to be line 1,1 (or 1.1) to add the new line after the existing line 1 and before the existing line 2.



Instead of entering all conditions by hand, you can also use the F5 key to work with the conditioned overlays for the overlay selector. If you press F5=Service while editing an overlay selector you will see these options:


         Update Overlay Selector                                      SEL302D  


Selector name . : KSE                                                          

Description . . : My own selector                                              

File set  . . . : KSE        Kim Test                                          

Seqnbr.  Overlay name Overlay description                                      

 0006    DEK30                                                            

 0007    DUPLEXS1                                                              

 0055    LOGI                                                            

 0056    LOGI2                                                            


Select one of the following options:                                          


 2. Move definitions to another sequence number.                              

 3. Copy definitions into this selector.                                      

 4. Delete lines                                                              

 5. Resequencing                                                              








The options are:

(The selected sequence numbers will be inserted just above the selected destination number, if it is already occupied.)


2. Move definitions to another sequence number

With this option you can rearrange the conditioned overlays in the overlay selector. The sequence can be very important as InterForm400 is searching for the first true condition for an overlay (per page).


3. Copy definitions into this selector

With this option you can copy sequence lines from another overlay selector. You should be VERY careful, if you copy sequence lines from an overlay selector, that is not in the same file set as the current overlay selector. If you copy lines from another file set, then you need yourself to ensure, that the selected overlays are also available in the file set of the selector, that you are editing. You can e.g. manually edit each line afterwards to verify if the overlay exist.


4. Delete lines

Type the interval of sequence lines to delete.


5. Resequencing

Use this option to resequence the sequence lines. This means, that the sequence lines (after running this option) will be numbered from 1 and onwards with increments of 1.