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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

A manual, interactive merge between an overlay or overlay selector and a spooled file can be done as below:


On the main menu of InterForm400 you should first verify the current output queue and the printer type. That is found on the upper right corner of the screen:


 InterForm400  -  MAIN MENU                           System.......: PMK250    

InterForm 400 Samples                                Workstn ID...: QPADEV000B

                                                        CCSID ....: 00277      

Select one of the following options:                 User ID......: KSE        

                                                     Administrator: *ALL      

 1. Design overlay                                   File set.....: SAMPLE    

 2. Test print overlay                               Output queue.: AFC_INPUT1

 3. Merge spool entry with overlay                     Library...: APF3812  

 4. Work with overlay selectors                     Printer type.: HP4500D  

 5. Work with Auto Forms Control                     Version......: 2018.M01  

 6. Work with Output Schedule Control                                          


 8. Select file set                                                            

 9. Select output queue and printer type                                      

10. Work with actual output queue                                              

12. Service functions                                                          

70. Configuration and licences                                                

80. Administering InterForm400                                                

90. Exit InterForm400                                                          




F3=Exit                 F6=Display messages                 F12=Cancel        

(C) InterForm A/S  1989, 2018. -                          


If the output queue and/or printer type is not correct, then you can either change them on your user profile for future use (and exit and re-enter InterForm400), or change this current session with option 9. Select output queue and printer type.


You can also select the file set to use with option 8. Select file set.


When you are ready to do the manual merge you select option 3. Merge spool entry with overlay to merge a spooled file with an overlay or overlay selector into a new, merged spooled file:


         Merge Spooled File with Overlay                              APF730D  


Overlay name          __________                                              

or Overlay Selector   ________                                                

Primary/Secondary set _           1=Primary 2=Secondary

Spooled file:                                                                  

   Job name           __________                                              

   User               __________                                              

   Job number         ______                                                  

   File name          __________                                              

   Spool file no.     ______      Number, *ONLY, *LAST                        

Code page             *INPUT      Number, *INPUT                        

Unicode output       *INPUT      *INPUT, *YES          

Merge overprint lines *NO_        *NO, *YES    

Form type             A4______                                              

Copies               _1         (1-255)                                      

Drawer / Papertype   *PRINTER    (*PRINTER, *INPUT, *OVERLAY, 1-256, Name)


Labels / Continuous   1           1=Label 2=Continuous 3=Weblabel 4=Marklabel

                                  5=Label using printer setup

Media type           1           1=Termo transfer 2=Termo media

Print mode           1           1=Tear off 2=Rewind 3=Peel off

                                  4=Label cut 5=Input page cut 6=Job cut

Name of output queue to search if spooled file is unknown:                    

   Output queue       __________                                              

      Library            __________                                            


F3=Exit                       F4=Prompt                        F12=Cancel    



The fields are:


Overlay name

Name of an overlay in the file-set you have open. F4 will prompt for overlay names.


Primary/Secondary Set        

If you have defined Copy Management for the overlay, you can test if you have made the correct selection of overlay elements, by printing the overlay elements for one of the two sets only. If this field is left blank (default) the system will use the Primary set.


Overlay Selector        

You can chose to merge with an overlay selector (stated here), instead of merging with an overlay. You can use F4 to select the overlay selector. Only overlay selector within the current file set can be used.


Spooled File

Spooled file attributes can be entered here.


There is an alternative to typing the spooled file ID manually. If you type the name of an output queue in the bottom of the screen and press Enter, you can retrieve the information about the spool entry from a view of the selected output queue by selecting the spooled file with option 1:


                            Work with Output Queue                            


Queue:   PRTHP3         Library:   QUSRSYS                                    


Type options, press Enter                                                      

  1=Select 2=Change 3=Hold 4=Delete 5=Display 6=Release 8=attributes      


Opt  File        User        User Data   Sts   Pages  Copies  Form Type   Pty  


 1   QPRINT      INTERFORM   INVOICE     RDY       1      1   *STD         5  

 _   QPRINT      INTERFORM   PROFIT      RDY       5      1   *STD         5  










Parameters for option 2                                                        

===> __________________________________________________                        

F3=Exit   F11=View 2   F12=Previous   F21=Description   F24=More keys          



Code page

This option will allow the code page of the spool file to be overruled. If this field is *INPUT (referring to the codepage of the input spooled file), and the spool file does not specify a explicit code page, the system value (QCHRID) will be used. This is the codepage used for the input spooled file.


Merge overprint lines

Some spooled files will not react as expected when merging with an overlay. This is the case when spooled files use overprinting i.e. printing two lines on one e.g. for printing in bold - or if the output fields are defined in the wrong order in the printer file.


Enable this feature and the overprinted spooled file lines are printed as one meaning e.g. that bold created in this manner will be ignored. If you press F19-DSPPFM in the green screen designer, and you see '0's in the left side of the screen, then this option should most probably be activated.


Form type

The Form type of the merged spooled file. Default value is *STD.



The number of copies, that should be printed of the merged spooled file (sets the COPIES attribute of the merged spooled file),



The drawer number or paper type, that should be used for selecting the drawer in the merged spooled file:

*PRINTER sets the drawer number to 1.

*INPUT sets the drawer number to the same as in the input spooled file - while using the *SCS to PCL drawer table.

*OVERLAY selects the drawer, that is set inside the overlay, that is merged with.

Alternative values are:

A PCL drawer number - or a paper type selected via F4 (the paper type should be set for the specific drawer on the printer menu/configuration).


NOTE: Labels/Continuous, media type and print mode below are all active for label printer (ZPL/IDP) output only.


Labels / Continuous

This is the feed control on the printer. Select 1=Labels if the media contains of separate labels. select 2=Continuous if the media is not separated into labels. Use 3=Weblabel and 4=Marklabel for other ways to mark the labels on the media. In case of 2=Continuous you would probably select 4=Cut for the print mode parameter.


Media type

Select 1=Termo transfer if you use a non heat sensitive media otherwise use option 2=Transfer media.


Print mode

1=Tear off mean that you will manually tear of the labels. 2=Rewind can be used for rewinding all printed labels onto another roll. This requires special hardware installed.  

3= Peel off will print only one label at a time waiting for the current label to be peeled off. (This also requires additional hardware).

4=Cut (requires hardware cutter) normally cuts the media for each print job unless you use 2=Continuous - then 4=Cut will cut out each label.


Output Queue and library

The name of the output queue where the input spool file can be found. If the library is left blank, the library list will be used.


After a merge with an overlay the spool attributes are saved in this screen for future test prints until the InterForm400 menus are left. As long as these information are kept, you will be able to view the contents of the spool entry directly by pressing F14, F18 or F19 from within the design menu.