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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Merge spooled file with overlay

Automatic merge in Auto Forms Control

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In AFC (Auto Forms Control) you can let InterForm400 monitor an output queue and setup merges of an incoming spooled file with an overlay or overlay selector. Possible merges in AFC are:


1.Merge and print the result.

In AFC you can setup a merge for printing via function 1 = Merge with overlay.

2.Merge into a PDF file.

If you want to create a PDF file in AFC, you should consider to use a PDF filenaming definition and activate it via function N = Create PDF File.

3.Merge into an email with attached PDF file.

For emailing most customers are using an email finishing definition activated via function C = Prepare for Finishing (in Auto Forms Control), which generates PRSPRINT spooled files, that can be emailed with function P = Send PDF email / Fax.


Apart from the overlay merges above you can also use InterForm400 to convert the spooled file in many different ways.


In the manual you can also find general introduction to Auto Forms Control.