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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

This function is used to pre-process an input spooled file, and prepare new spooled files for further processing.


Related functions are:


Reformatting of spooled files.

Enrich definition

Email finishing definitions.

N = Create PDF File

X = Create XML file.




C= Prepare for Finishing


Seqnbr Function                                                  

  1,0    C                  Prepare for Finishing                            


                            Finish definition name . . . . .  __________  

                            Output queue for prepared print   *INPUT    

                              Library  . . . . . . . . . . .    __________  

                            Form type  . . . . . . . . . . .  __________  



 F3=Exit          F4=prompt                     F11=Delete          F12=Cancel  



Finishing Definition Name

The Finishing definition name. Use F4 to select from a list.


Output queue/library

Output from the pre-process will be a new SCS spool entry. *INPUT in this field Indicates that the new spooled file should be written to the same output queue. *DEFAULT will use the default output output queue.

As the new spooled file afterwards will be input to a merge operation, *INPUT will often be appropriate. Note that the keyword *DEFAULT and *INPUT apply to both Output queue and library.


Form type

The form type entered here could be used as condition for a 1. Merge with overlay or P=Send email following this AFC definition. The form type set here should normally be different from the form type of the input spooled file to prevent a loop - see warning below.


If you select an E-mail finishing definition this screen will appear:



Seqnbr Function                                                            

 10.0    C        Prepare for Finishing                                    


                            Prepare for E-mail requires settings for      

                            print that will not be send.                  

                            Output queue non E-mail print  .  __________      

                              Library  . . . . . . . . . . .    __________  

                            Form type  . . . . . . . . . . .  __________    



F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel  



On this screen you specify on which output queue you want to place the pages, that cannot be e-mailed (no receiver was found). This should normally be an AFC monitored output queue so that a InterForm400® merge and print can be done.



WARNING: Make sure, that you are not creating a loop in Auto Forms Control when you insert a finishing definition. If you e.g. create new spooled files with a finishing definition and these new spooled files are placed back on the same outq, then the new spooled file(s) should NOT be able to trigger the finishing definition again...