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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

When a spooled file arrives on an output queue, there are many functions, that you can execute. One input spooled file can trigger multiple functions. The input spooled file will go through all the sequence lines for the output queue and compare the spooled file attributes with the conditions for the current function. As default the input spooled file will be untouched in the ready status, but it is recommended to change the input spooled file by either holding, deleting or moving the spooled file to another output queue.


You can add functions to an output queue by first going into the Auto Forms Control menu, and then option 1. Functions attached to Output Queues.


Then you select option 2=Change for the relevant output queue, press Enter and add or edit a sequence number as described here.


When you look at the list of AFC sequence numbers (without selecting a specific number), then you can select F5=Service. You can use the option on this service menu to e.g. copy, delete or resequence the AFC functions.


When you create or edit a sequence number you will see this:



         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D    


Queue:   AFC_INPUT1     Library:   APF3812


Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Dev.file   Program    UserData

 0001  1  DEMO                                                                

          Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE                            

 0002  6                                                                      

          Hold Spooled File



Seqnbr Function     Suspend

  1,0   1             _ *=Suspend                                    

        1 = Merge with overlay             9 = Exit                          

        2 = Send Network Spooled File       A = Change Attributes            

        3 = Transform *AFPDS to *USERASCII B = Split spooled file            

        4 = Copy Spooled File               C = Prepare for Finishing        

        5 = Move Spooled File               D = Sort Spooled File            

        6 = Hold Spooled File               F = Change writer                

        7 = Delete Spooled File             P = Send PDF E-mail

        8 = Call Program                   * = Comment

F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel        

F15=Subset       F17=Subset by Spooled File      F23=More options



With F23 you can see additional functions:



         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT1     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Dev.file   Program    UserData

 0001  1  DEMO                                                                

          Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE                            

 0002  6                                                                      

          Hold Spooled File                                                    





Seqnbr Function  Suspend                                                      

  1,0 1         *=Suspend                                                  

      P = Send PDF email / Fax             G = Archive to MultiArchive/400  

      N = Create PDF File                                                    

      W = Print to Windows printer          I = Index spooled file            

      X = Create XML file                                                    

      * = Comment                                                            



F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel        

F15=Subset        F17=Subset by Spooled File      F23=More options            



After you have selected the function the spooled file selection criteria is first shown, and then you are prompted for the settings for the specific function.


Each function are described in the following sections and they are linked above.




If you press F5=Service on the AFC overview as indicated on the screen below, then you access a few options, that can make the administration of Auto Forms Control a bit easier:



          Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D 


 Queue:   AFC_INPUT1     Library:   APF3812                                    


 Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Dev.file   Program    UserData

  0001  1                                                                      

           Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE                           

  0002  6                                                                      

           Hold Spooled File                                                   





 Seqnbr Function  Suspend                                                      









 F3=Exit             F5=Service        F13=Fold/Unfold                         

 F15=Subset        F17=Subset by Spooled File                                  



You will see this list, if you press F5:



 Select one of the following options:               

  1. Remove all suspensions                         

  2. Move definitions to another sequence number.   

  3. Copy definition lines into this definition     

  4. Delete lines                                   

  5. Resequencing                                   

  6. Print AFC definition                           




Each option is linked with a description below:


1. Remove all suspensions

It is possible to suspend/disable the AFC functions. If you want to enable all of the suspended/disabled functions for an output queue, then you can use this function instead of enabling them one by one.


If you select this option, then you will see this:



 In this function the code * for suspend will be removed for all detail lines.




 Press Enter for remove suspensions. Press F12 for unchanged.                 



Here you simply press Enter to remove all suspensions in the selected output queue or press F12 to go back to the service menu without changing anything.


2. Move definitions to another sequence number.

You can move a section of AFC definition lines with this option on the F5=Service menu in AFC. If you select this option, then you will see this:



 In this function an interval of sequence numbers can be moved to

 another sequence number.                                        


 Sequence number from/to to be moved . . . .   27  -    33       


 Inserted at sequence number . . . . . . . .    1               



Here you can specify an interval of sequence numbers, that you want to move to another sequence number. In the example above we want to move the sequence lines from 27 to 33 (including both 27 and 33) to the sequence number 1. That means, that the previous AFC definition lines 27 to 33 will be moved into lines 1 to 7. Any existing AFC sequence lines in the interval 1 to 7 will after the move be positioned to be after the moved lines like below:


So before the move the AFC sequence lines may look like below:

1. Original line 1

2. Original line 2

3. Original line 3

27. Original line 27

28. Original line 28


And after the move the lines are placed in this sequence:


1. Original line 27

2. Original line 28

3. Original line 1

4. Original line 2

5. Original line 3


3. Copy definition lines into this definition

If you want to copy an interval of AFC sequence numbers, then you should use this option on the F5=Service menu. When you select this option, then you will see the screen below:



 Here you can copy lines into this AFC-definition.                          


 AFC-output queue to copy from . . . . . .  AFC_INPUT2    blank = this queue

   Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .    APF3812                              

 Sequence numbers from/to to be copied . .  0001  - 0002                    

 Inserted at sequence number . . . . . . .     5  


 F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                               F12=Cancel  

 F24=Shift to look at FROM definitions                                                             



The screen has these parameters:


AFC-output queue to copy from

If you leave this (and the library field below) empty, then you will copy sequence numbers within the currently selected AFC output queue, but you can also specify another AFC monitored output queue (and library) if you want to copy sequence numbers from this output queue instead.



The library of the output queue mentioned above (or blank if you want to copy from the currently selected output queue).


Sequence numbers from/to to be copied

This specifies the interval of sequence numbers that are to be copied. In the example above we copy sequence numbers 1 and 2.


Inserted at sequence number

Specifies the target sequence number to copy to. In this example the sequence numbers 1 and 2 will be copied to sequence number 5 and 6 and the previous lines 5 and 6 (and beyond) will be moved to a higher sequence number.


F24=Shift to look at FROM definitions

If you specify an output queue and library, then you can even press F24=Shift to look at FROM definitions to look at the sequences, that you can copy from. If you press F24, then the description for F24 will change into F24=Change subfile into the TO output queue to indicate, that you can also switch back to look at the target output queue, that you are about to change.


4. Delete lines

You can delete AFC sequence numbers in two ways: If you just want to delete a single AFC definition line, then you can simply type in the sequence number, press Enter once (only once) and then you can press F11=Delete to delete this line. If you want to delete an interval of AFC sequence numbers, then you can use this option 4. Delete lines on the F5=Service option in the AFC definition editor. Then you will see this:



 In this function you can delete an interval of definition lines:



                   Interval . . .  0001  - 0002                  



Here you can type the interval of sequence lines, that you want to delete and press Enter to delete them.


5. Resequencing

The AFC sequence lines are all numbered in the interval 1 to 9999, and if you have freedom to set the sequence number of any of the lines. In that way there may be gaps (unused) sequence numbers in the middle of the sequence lines. If you run this option, then all the sequence numbers will be renumbered/resequenced so that the sequence numbers are numbered from 1 and upwards with steps of 1.


6. Print AFC definition

You can use this option to print out all the AFC definitions for the output queue, that you have currently selected.


The print out will be printed to the default printer of the current job. The spooled file will look like below:



          InterForm400   Version......: 2021.M501                             


          Output queue . . . . . . . . . . :   AFC_INPUT1                     

            Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :     APF3812                      


          Description  . . . . . . . .     :   Job for sample printout        

          Job name AUTO_FORM job . . . .   :   AFC_INPUT1                     

          Autostart job  . . . . . . .     :   N                              

          Code page  . . . . . . . . . . . :   *SYSVAL                        

          Job description  . . . . . . . . :   *DEFAULT                       

            Library  . . . . . . . . . . . :                                  

          Default output output queue and printer type                        

              Output queue . . . . . . . . :   AFC_OUT1                       

                Library  . . . . . . . . . :     APF3812                      

              Printer type . . . . . . . . :   HP4                            

                Interface  . . . . . . . . :     ASCII850                     

              Separator drawer . . . . . . :   *NONE                          

          Optional template AFC-definition to be executed after this definitio

          Template AFC-definition:                                            

              Output queue . . . . . . . . :                                  

                Library  . . . . . . . . . :                                  


          Seqnbr Function   Attributes of input file for which to execute the 



                   1        Merge with overlay                                

                            Output queue for merged print  . . . :   *DEFAULT 

                              Library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :            

                            Printer type . . . . . . . . . . . . :            

                            Interface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :    *INPUT  

                            Merge overprint lines  . . . . . . . :   *NO      

                            Find overlay in form type table  . . :   N        

                            Overlay name . . . . . . . . . . . . :   IF400DEMO

                              File set . . . . . . . . . . . . . :     SAMPLE 

                            or overlay selector  . . . . . . . . :            

                            Primary/Secondary set  . . . . . . . :   *PRI     

                            Form type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *STD     

                            Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :   *INPUT   

                            Output spooled file name . . . . . . :            

                            User data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . :            

                            Separator drawer . . . . . . . . . . :            

                            Hold output spooled file . . . . . . :   *NO      

                            Save output spooled file . . . . . . :   *NO      


          Seqnbr Function   Attributes of input file for which to execute the 



                   6        Hold Spooled File