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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Use this option to copy an input spooled file to another output queue and e.g. create the new spooled file as a different user profile.



4=Copy Spooled File


         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues            AFC305D    


Output queue . . . . :   PRTHP3_AFC                                            

  Library  . . . . . :     QUSRSYS                                            


Seqnbr Function

  1,0    4        Copy Spooled File                                  


                  New output queue . . . . . . . .  __________      

                     Library . . . . . . . . . . .    __________    

                  Hold output spooled file . . . . *NO          *NO, *YES    

                  Save output spooled file . . . . *NO          *NO, *YES    

                  Owner of new spooled file  . . . *INPUT      *INPUT, User  


F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel        




New Output queue        

Output from this process will become a spool entry in the new output queue with the same attributes as the original spool entry. If a default queue has been defined, the keyword *DEFAULT will be preset for this field.


Hold output spooled file

This affects the status of the copied spooled file on the receiving queue.


Save output spooled file

This will affect the spool file attribute SAVE of the copied spooled file.


Owner of new spooled file

Use *INPUT if you want the new spooled file to be owned by the same user profile as the original spooled file.

It might be handy to specify another user to own the new spooled file, if you e.g. want to prevent the new spooled file to be deleted before it is archived.