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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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3=Transform *AFPDS to *USERASCII

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This function converts an AFPDS spooled file into a *USERASCII spooled file (with PCL commands inside).



3=Transform AFPDS to *USERASCII


Seqnbr Function

  1,0    3                  Transform *AFPDS to *USERASCII                    


                            Output queue for ASCII print . .  __________      

                              Library  . . . . . . . . . . .    __________    


                            InterForm400 printer type  . . .  __________      



F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel  




Output queue/library

Output from the transformation will become a spool entry by the type *USERASCII. This output queue must therefore have a PCL printer attached which is defined as a *3812 device. If a specific queue and Printer type have been defined in the previous screen, the keyword *DEFAULT will be preset for this field. This is overwritten when entering a queue and a library here. Note that the keyword *DEFAULT apply to both Output queue, library and InterForm400® printer type.


Printer type

A PCL printer type.


Note, if you want to make use of this feature to transform AFPDS spool entries into *USERASCII, and these AFPDS spool files are using resource libraries not listed in the system library list, then the APF3812/AUTO_FORM job description must be changed in order to include these libraries in the library list.


Warning: As the AFPTOASCII command, this option does NOT support selection between identical spooled files. (Where the job ID, spooled file name and spooled file number are all identical for more than one spooled file).



Warning: The transformation can not convert bar codes and AFP images into PCL. These definitions will just be ignored in the process.



Tip: AFPDS spooled files can also be used as input directly in InterForm400. Then however only the text visible via DSPSPLF will be used while any graphical elements are ignored and are to be added in InterForm400.