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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Auto Forms Control (AFC) > AFC: Functions

2=Send Network Spooled File

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This function calls the OS/400 command, SNDNETSPLF for the selected spooled file:



2=Send Network Spooled File


Seqnbr Function                                                  

  1,0    2      Send Network Spooled File                          


                       Send to:                                          

                         User ID  . . . .  ________                      

                         Address  . . . .  ________                      


                         Data format  . .  ________   *RCDDATA, *ALLDATA


F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel  



A spool entry can be sent to another system for processing or a processed job can be sent to another system for printing.


For instance could an AFC output queue have the function 1.Merge with APF3812 overlay defined, and the receiving output queue for the result is an AFC input queue could have 2.Send Network Spooled File defined.


User ID

Use a divided user address from a directory list (see contents using the WRKDIRE command), or a distribution list (see possible distribution lists using the command WRKDSTL).



Refer to the above


Data format

You can either use *RCDDATA or *ALLDATA. *RCDDATA can be used for *SCS files, While *ALLDATA is required, when sending merged PCL files. For more information refer to the description of the DTAFMT parameter of the OS/400 SNDNETSPLF command.