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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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W=Print to Windows printer

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This option is used with the WinPrint module to print the output of a merge via a windows PC to any connected printer on that PC. Refer to the WinPrint manual for details of this module.


The merge is defined as any other merge:



Seqnbr Function   Print to Windows printer                                    

  1.0    W                                                                    

                  Overlay name . . . . . . . . . IF400DEMO                  

                    File set . . . . . . . . . .   SAMPLE                  

                  or overlay selector  . . . . .                          

                  Primary/Secondary set  . . . . *PRI         *PRI, *SEC    

                  Unicode output . . . . . . . . *INPUT       *INPUT, *YES  

                  Color support                   *YES         *NO, *YES      

                  PDF Back-Page type . . . . . . *SMP         *NO *DUP *SMP..                                                            


F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                               F12=Cancel  



On the next screen you are prompted for the PC and the printer on the selected PC. You can prompt both with F4:



Seqnbr Function   Print to Windows printer                                

  1.0    W                                                                

                  Windows PC  . . . . . . . . .                          


                  Windows printer . . . . . . .                          





F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                               F12=Cancel    



PDF Back-Page type

In the back ground InterForm400 is generating a PDF and printing that via your local printer driver, so this PDF option can be used for configuring the printed output.

This tells InterForm400 how to handle duplex back pages, if you have defined any for the overlay(s) used for the merge. Details for PDF output is covered here.

The possible values are:


Include no page page overlays in the PDF result.


Include blank pages, so that the PDF can be printed in duplex with back pages as specified for PCL output.


Include the back page overlay pages without any blank pages, so this PDF is optimized for simplex printing (not duplex).


Include only the last back page in the PDF result - to remove duplicates in the PDF result.