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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

This function makes it possible to use the same OUTQ for both input to and output from InterForm400, and in cases where you have to use more than one type of paper and need to receive a message for changing paper.

For this it is however recommended to avoid this function and consider the STRWTRCHK option of the InterForm400 configuration instead.



F=Change Writer


Seqnbr Function

  2,0    F                  Change writer                                      


                            Writer name  . . . .  __________  Name,*OUTQ

                            Form type  . . . . .  __________





F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel




Writer name

The name of the writer to change. When stating *OUTQ the writer attached to the output queue specified in the default settings for the AFC definition will be used.


Form type

The form type which the writer program will be restricted to process. All other form types will be left for InterForm400 to process.


In cases where you only use one type of paper in the printer you place an AFC function F=CHGWTR and change the formtype to e.g. *STD. This will restrict the writer to process spool entries of this type only. The next AFC function must be 9=EXIT conditioned by formtype *STD. This will cause InterForm400® to stop processing print jobs of this type, and leave them for the System i to print normally.


If you actually use more than one type of paper in your printer, and want to get the message to change forms in the printer, then you can define a F = CHGWTR for each formtype you want to receive a message for changing paper.


For instance, if you want the formtypes *STD and IF400 to be used for output to your printer, while other formtypes should be used for input conditions to other AFC functions, the following 4 AFC defintions should be made in the beginning:


1.        For formtype=*STD, use F=CHGWTR to change formtype to *STD

2.        For formtype=*STD, use 9=EXIT

3.        For formtype= IF400, use F=CHGWTR to change formtype to IF400

4.        For formtype=IF400, use 9=EXIT




TIP: Using option F can sometimes fail to change the writer job, if the printer is very fast. Fast printers might print out before Auto Forms Control can get to the print. Therefore it is recommended to use the more efficient way as described here.