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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

With this function you can change FORMTYPE or USRDATA attributes of the input spooled file.



A=Change attributes


Seqnbr Function

  1,0    A                 Change attributes                                    


                         Form Type  . . . . . . __________ Form type, *SAME

                         User data  . . . . . . __________ User data, *SAME

                         Expiration date  . . . *SAME     *SAME, *NONE, 1 - 366

                         Restart with sequence no. 1   _   (Y N)



F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel




The idea of changing the form type is the requirement for a spool entry, which has been processed under e.g. the overlay name INVOICE to be run through the statements defined for the overlay SHIPPING. If the original spool entry had form type Invoice a sequence line 1.Merge with overlay would have made one printout. After this sequence line you change the forms type of the original spool entry to Shipping which will cause another 1. Merge with InterForm400® overlay to add the SHIPPING overlay and produce a new print-out.


Form Type                

The new form type assigned to the original input spool entry.


User data        

The text description attached to a spool entry when viewing an output queue. Changing of USRDTA can e.g. be done to indicate that a spool entry has been processed.


Expiration date

Sets the expiration date of the input spooled file. Use *NONE if the spooled file should not expire. Expired spooled files can be deleted with the OS400 command: DLTEXPSPLF.

The expiration date can also be set on a split definition.


Remember to state ‘Restart with sequence no. 1 = 'Y’ if you want Auto Forms Control to react on the new form type.