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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Auto Forms Control (AFC) > Debug AFC setup

AFC: Subset seq. lines for specific spooled file

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If you want to check which sequence lines in the AFC definitions, that are triggered by a specific spooled file, then you can use the function key, F17=Subset by Spooled File below:



        Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   PRT02_IN       Library:   QUSRSYS                                    


Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Dev.file   Program    UserData

 0001  1  Demo                                                                

          Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO2 Fileset: SAMPLE                          

 0002  6  Demo                                                                

          Hold Spooled File                                                    

 0003  9  Demo                                                                




Seqnbr Function  Suspend                                                      









F3=Exit             F5=Service        F13=Fold/Unfold                          

F15=Subset       F17=Subset by Spooled File            



When you press F17 you will be prompted for either the spooled file identification or an output queue on which such a spooled file can be found:



                   Subset Spooled File                              


    Job name             __________                                          

    User                 __________                                          

    Job number           ______                                          

    File name            __________                                          

    Spooled file no.     ______        Number, *ONLY, *LAST          



 Name of output queue to search if spooled file is unknown:        


    Output queue . . . . AFC_INPUT1                                          

      Library  . . . . .   APF3812                                        


 F3=Exit             F12=Cancel                                    



If you e.g. type the output queue like above, then you will be shown the specific output queue and you can select the spooled file with option ‘1' to copy the identification into the screen above. Hit Enter when done. Please notice that this feature will list both the sequence lines of the current output queue and any lines that will be executed in the linked template output queue - if used. The list is shown like below:



         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT2     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Device file  Program  UserData    

 0001  C  DEMO                                                            

          Finish def: DEMOMAIL outq: *INPUT form type: MAIL              

 0002  1  DEMO                                                            

          Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE                      


              From template queue AFC_INPUT1  Library APF3812.              

 0001  1  DEMO                                                            

          Merge, Overlay: IF400DEMO Fileset: SAMPLE                     +

Seqnbr Function     Suspend                                                    









F3=Exit             F5=Service        F13=Fold/Unfold                          

F15=Subset        F17=Subset by Spooled File