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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Auto Forms Control (AFC) > Debug AFC setup

AFC: Suspend/activate sequence lines

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On each AFC sequence line you can tell InterForm400 to suspend it, which will render it inactive until you remove the suspend option again:



         Update AFC-functions attached to output queues               AFC305D  


Queue:   AFC_INPUT1     Library:   APF3812                                    


Seqnbr F. Form type  Save Jobname    Filename   Dev.file   Program    UserData

 0001  C  DEMO                                                                

          Finish def: AMAILTEST outq: *INPUT form type: email                  

 0002  N* DEMO                                                                

          PDF Name Def.: AA_PDF  Overlay: IF400DEMO  Fileset: SAMPLE          

 0003  6                                                                      

          Hold Spooled File                                                    



Seqnbr Function  Suspend                                                      

  2,0  N         * *=Suspend                                                  

       1 = Merge with overlay                8 = Call Program                  

       2 = Send Network Spooled File         9 = Exit                          

       3 = Transform *AFPDS to *USERASCII    A = Change Attributes            

       4 = Copy Spooled File                 B = Split spooled file            

       5 = Move Spooled File                 C = Prepare for Finishing        

       6 = Hold Spooled File                 D = Sort Spooled File            

       7 = Delete Spooled File               F = Change writer                

F3=Exit           F13=Fold/Unfold       F11=Delete          F12=Cancel        

F15=Subset        F17=Subset by Spooled File      F23=More options            



The suspended lines are shown with an asterix (*) in the list of sequence lines.


If you mark a sequence line with a ‘*’ in the suspend field then the sequence line is temporarily ignored. This can be used e.g. for testing a new setup

without having to totally delete the old setup or to ‘remove’ lines that temporarily are not needed. When you want to activate the lines again you can either manually remove the suspension ‘*’ from each line or remove all suspensions via F5=Service and option 1. Remove all suspensions.