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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Copy management


The section below describes copy management in the green screen designer. Copy management in the graphical designer is also possible, and works in the same manner.


Stapling can also be combined with copy management.


Copy management is used to define the number of copies one single overlay should produce when triggered. The following screen will automatically appear when pressing Enter from the global settings menu where Y is filled in for Copy Management :



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name: IF400DEMO    Overlay text: Demo overlay for InterForm 400  


Number of copies of each page                                                  


  Primary set  . . . . . . .  2_________     1-9, *VAR, *INPUT    

  Secondary set  . . . . . .  1_________     1-9, *VAR, *INPUT    


F3=Exit                                                          F12=Cancel    



Two sets of copies each consisting of up to 9 copies from a single spool entry can be defined. The overlay elements (boxes, lines, images etc.) used on the primary and the secondary sets can vary according to the definitions of a single overlay.


Primary set:                

A value of 1 to 9 copies can be defined.


By selecting *VAR you will be able to define a line and position number in the spool entry where the desired number of copies are specified. This of course requires the application to insert this in the spooled file.

*INPUT will use the COPIES attribute of the original spooled file. Notice however, that values higher than 9 will be interpreted as 1.


When merging a spooled file with an overlay (or overlay selector), this set (*PRI) is the default.


Copy management for ZPL/label printing

The number of copies is however different for ZPL/label printing. Here the number if copies (if it is set to be variable thus found in as text in the input spooled file) is expected to be specified as a 4 digit number, which is right aligned e.g. if you e.g. for label printing specify that the number of copies is found in position 1 in line 1, then InterForm400 will extract positions 1 to 4 in line 1 and use that as the number of copies e.g. if the value found is 0001, then 1 copy will be printed, the value 0011 will cause 11 copies.


Secondary set:                

This is basically just an extra set of copies made from the same spool entry. The secondary set is mainly intended to be used to create an extra set with a fixed number of copies, independent of the variation of copies in the main set. Stating a number for “Secondary set” will not force a printout of this set. The secondary set will only be used, if the merge states Primary /Secondary set=*SEC.



Source Drawers for Copies


After having stated the number of copies, pressing Enter will extend the screen to include definitions of source drawers:



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name: IF400DEMO   Overlay text: Demo overlay for InterForm400      


Number of copies of each page                                                  


  Primary set  . . . . . . . 2         1-9, *VAR, *INPUT

  Secondary set  . . . . . . 1         1-9, *VAR, *INPUT                                                                                

Select paper from the following drawers:                                      


                    Copy     Primary     Secondary                              

                      1      __________  __________           Valid drawers    

                      2      __________                          1-255          

                                                              Valid paper types:



Do you want stapling . . Y/N     _                                          


F3=Exit                                                          F12=Cancel    

F13=Set view/print parameters   F14=PCL-view       F18=DSPSPLF   F19=DSPPFM    



Here you can define from which drawer each copy should be taken from.


WARNING: Different printer manufacturers have diverting opinions of which value should correspond to which physical drawer. Therefore please consult your printers technical reference to verify the drawer mapping.


WARNING: Combining Duplex with spooled file data on both back and front (i.e. without a back page overlay) with copy management is not supported. If you try the result is not what you might expect..