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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Global settings of an overlay

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Global settings of an overlay


The global settings of the overlay depends on the type of file set in which the overlay is placed. These are the settings for file sets used for PCL printers and PDF output:



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D      


Overlay name         TEST         Last update . . :  2013-01-30     F20=Log

Old / New behaviour  1         0 = Old behaviour  1 = New behaviour

Overlay text         __________________________________                

Line spacing         040___    in 1/240 of an inch (*INPUT, 1-720)                

Rotation             000___    (*INPUT, 0, 90, 180, 270)                          

Extra left margin                                                                  

        positions    _0        (0-99)                                              

Maximum number of                                                                  

  print positions    378       (1-378)                                            

Extra blank lines                                                                  

           on top    _0        (0-99)                                              

Font                 0066__    *NONE, *INPUT, fontnumber     F4=List        

Extended page def.   N         (Y N)                                              

Drawer / Papertype   *PRINTER  (*INPUT, *PRINTER, 1-255, Name)   F4=List      

Paper Size           0         F4=List                                            

Pages per side       __                          

Copy management      N         (Y N)                                              

Duplex print         N         (N=no  S=short edge margin  L=long edge margin)    

Duplex margin        __0       in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)                        

Back page overlay    __________  Code for placement _ (B=back page F=front)        


F3=Exit      F4=Prompt          F11=Delete this overlay          F12=Cancel        

F13=Set view/print parameters   F14=PCL-view                                        



The data entered on this page describes how the spool file to be merged with this overlay should be manipulated. The attributes (number of lines per inch, font etc.) of the spool entry will be overwritten by these settings.


Overlay text:

For your own information


Old/New behaviour:

How to handle rotation.


Line spacing:        

Is dissolved in n/240 inch. For example 6 lines per inch corresponds to 40/240 inch. You may have been expecting to have to specify line spacing in number of lines per inch. We have chosen this method to give you a higher degree of freedom of choice. This setting can be overwritten by Extended Formatting. By stating *INPUT the value is set according to the attribute of the spool entry.



Informs the system how the contents of the input spool entry should be rotated on the paper. You may specify 000, 090, 180 or 270 degrees  (counter clockwise). The values 180 and 270 can only be used in connection with IBM3812/16. In connection with other printer types these values will be perceived as 000. By stating *INPUT the value is set according to the attribute of the spool entry. The attributes *COR and *AUTO is also inspected.


Please note, that you can only rotate the complete design with this value, if you have activated the New behaviour setting on the overlay. If the New behaviour option is disabled, then the rotation will not rotate any element inside the overlay.


Extra Left Margin:

Number of character the print should be offset from the left margin. Extra positions defined here will be included in Extended Formatting


Max Print pos:        

Maximum Print Position should normally be set to 240. However, in case the spool entry, intended for merging with the overlay, contains unwanted characters to the right, the number of print positions to be truncated can be specified here.

Extra blank lines:

Extra blank lines inserted before line one of the spool entry. This value can be suppressed by Extended Formatting.



This font will be the global font for the entire spool entry unless otherwise specified by Extended Formatting or the overlay definitions Remap Window and Tabulator. By stating *INPUT the value is set according to the attribute of the spooled file.  With *NONE the spooled file will not be included in the output - only the contents, that are remapped or tabulated.

F4=Prompt        Gives a list of available fonts. The standard IBM 3812 font ID’s is predefined. Other fonts can be defined, and they will then be available here.



The date of the last change (or update) of the overlay is shown on the top of the screen. Press F20 to display previous change dates.




       Overview Fonts                                               FNT100D


Type Selection, Press Enter.

   1=Select Font


Select one of the following:  

_     0281         Gothic Text 20

_     0290         Gothic Text 27

_     0751         Sonoran-Serif 8-pt Roman Medium

_     1051         Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Roman Medium

_     1053         Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Roman Bold

_     1056         Sonoran-Serif 10-pt Italic Medium

_     1351         Sonoran-Serif 12-pt Roman Medium

_     1653         Sonoran-Serif 16-pt Roman Bold

_     2103         Sonoran-Serif 24-pt Roman Bold

_     3998         MICR E-13B                                                    

_     3999         POSTNET barcode                                              

_     9902         Sample - Univers 8p

_     9903         Sample - Univers 10p

_     9904         Sample - Univers 1p Bold

_     9906         Sample - Univers 18p Bold


F3=Exit                                                            F12=Cancel  



Extended page def:        

When stating Y in this field you can override the global settings of Line Spacing, Extra blank lines on top and Font. Formatting is done for intervals of lines and is especially convenient if large areas of text should be re-mapped or if you want to format the spool data into columns.



Depends on the printer type. Valid values are:


The drawer specified in the spool entry


Sets the PCL drawer to 1.


Printer specific paper source


Paper type (prompt with F4 to list valid types)

The values 1-255 is inserted in the HP PCL command Esc&l#H. For details about how to select drawer by use of paper type (which is recommended) refer to this section.


Paper Size:        

Is only visible if you have allowed individual paper sizes for the overlays. If you specify 0 in Paper Size the default value from the administration menu option 2. Configure InterForm 400  will be used for this overlay. You can also specify the custom page size, X. If you do, you will be prompted for the actual size:




Set custom paper size                  


Using custom size paper is supported    

at some printers.                      


It is important to set the paper size  

in the printer to the same size as here.

Otherwise elements with rotation        

other than 0° will be misplaced.        


SviftView does not support custom      

size paper.                            


  Length . . .        Inch.pel      

  Width  . . .        Inch.pel      





This custom paper size is especially relevant if you want to print onto label printers via the WinPrint module. Notice, that the size is measured in inches and pels, so e.g. 1.120 is one and a half inch (as 240 pels equals 1 inch).


Pages per side (Multi-up):

Blank or 1 indicates no multi-up functionality. When 2 or more are indicated, the overlay definitions Tabulator and Remap Window  will be able to handle the total number of lines set for the Multi-up.


E.g. a spool page has 66 lines and multi-up is set to include 2 spool pages on one laser printed page. A Tabulator will then be able to handle line 1-132 (2 x 66), resulting in both spool pages will have the same tabulator. The same applies for the Remap Window. The spool pages included in the multi-up function could also be formatted in separate ways. I.e. removing of headers and footers of the additional pages included in multi-up print.


Copy Management:

Stating N in this field, will enable you to define advanced pagination within the overlay for use with spool entries consisting of different types of contents.

Stating Y will enable you to create several copies of each page. Also design elements can be dedicated to specific copies. This is for instance used when making copies of Invoices where the overlay for the copy should have basically the same elements as the original but should be characterized by the text “COPY” printed across.



Duplex options

These options are only visible if you have selected duplex print for the actual file-set. If the field Duplex print is filled in with N, only the front of the paper is used. The duplex options are covered in full here.


Duplex print:

If you answer S or L in the Duplex print field, both sides of the paper is used, including the answer you have given about the duplex margin being at the long or short edge of the paper. When filling in S or L for Duplex print together with N for Copy Management the Page Control on the Design Overlay screen will be extended to include selection for restricting overlay to odd or even pages (See Page control).


WARNING: Combining Duplex with spooled file data on both back and front (i.e. without a back page overlay) with copy management is not supported. If you try the result is not what you might expect..


Forced front page:

Controls if the overlay for which the Duplex function has been selected, always should be printed on a front page, when a overlay selector is used. By stating *YES, you will avoid that an intended first page is printed on the duplex side of the previous page.


Duplex margin:

This value in the field states the width of the binding margin in n/240 inch.


Back page overlay:

This field can be left blank meaning that you want to use the same overlay on both sides of each sheet. If the field is filled in with an overlay name, only the front pages will be used for print and the back pages will contain the back page overlay without any spool data.

It is however, possible to put variable data on both sides of the sheet with different overlays, by leaving this field blank, and using sub-overlays. A simple “main” overlay should be made, that contains two sub-overlays calls only. In the two If..then lines in the main overlay, the field “number of lines to remap”, will indicate the lines the sub-overlay should process. All formatting must be handled by the sequence lines in the sub-overlays.


Entering *VAR in this field will bring up a screen, where the conditions for selecting the overlay must be stated. Note that *VAR can only be used with Code for placement=B (or blank):




         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name         TEST


Overlay text                                                                  

Line spacing         040       in 1/240 of an inch (*INPUT, 1-720)            

Rotation             000       (*INPUT, 0, 90, 180, 270)                      

Extra left margin                                                              

        positions    ............................................              

Maximum number of    :     Variable Back Page Overlay           :              

  print positions    :                                          :              

Extra blank lines    :  Prefix . . . . .  ______                :              

           on top    :  Line number  . .  ___                   :              

Font                 :  Position . . . .  ___ - ___             :              

Extended page def.   :                                          :              

Drawer               :                                          :              

Paper Size           :                                          :              

Multi-up             :  F3=Exit           F12=Cancel            :              

Copy management      :                                          :              

Duplex print         :..........................................: edge margin)

Duplex margin          0       in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)                    

Back page overlay    *VAR        Code for placement B (B=back page F=front)    

             F4=Prompt          F11=Delete this overlay          F12=Cancel    

F13=Set print parameters                                                              




The first part of the back page overlay name. The overlay which is called by this function consists of this prefix plus the character string found by Line number and Position. For instance if the prefix is INV, and Line Number and Position finds the string 001, the back page overlay should be named INV001.

The Prefix must consists of minimum 1 character, which can not be a number. The Prefix plus the string found with Line Number and Position can not exceed a total of 10 characters.


Line Number:

The print line in the spool entry defining the last part of the back page overlay name.



The column interval containing the last part of the overlay name.


It is also possible to state *CPYMNG, as the back page overlay when using duplex output. That is for use together with Copy management. If used you are afterwards prompted for the back page overlay for each of the copies, that have been specified for Copy management. Please note, that you must use back page overlays, when you combine duplex and copy management. You define it like so:




        Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name         DUPLEX       Last update . . :  2016-04-05     F20=Log    


Overlay text         Main duplex ovl with Cpy Mng.                            

Line spacing         040       in 1/240 of an inch (*INPUT, 1-720)            

Rotation             000       (*INPUT, 0, 90, 180, 270)                      

Extra left margin                                                              

        positions     0        (0-99)                                          

Maximum number of                                                              

  print positions    378       (1-378)                                        

Extra blank lines                                                              

           on top     0        (0-99)                                          

Font                 0066      *NONE, *INPUT, fontnumber     F4=List          

Extended page def.   N         (Y N)                                          

Drawer / Papertype   *PRINTER  (*INPUT, *PRINTER, 1-256, Name)   F4=List      

Paper Size           0         F4=List                                        

Pages per side                                                                

Copy management      Y         (Y N)                                          

Duplex print         L         (N=no  S=short edge margin  L=long edge margin)

Duplex margin          0       in 1/240 of an inch (1-720)                    

Back page overlay   *CPYMNG   Code for placement (B=back page F=front)    

F3=Exit      F4=Prompt          F11=Delete this overlay          F12=Cancel    

F13=Set view/print parameters   F14=View                                      



With these settings you will be prompted for the back page overlay for each copy defined in copy management:



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name: DUPLEX      Overlay text: Main duplex ovl with Cpy Mng.          


Selection of back page overlay is controlled per copy                          



Primary      Back page                                                        

copy         overlay                                                          

  1         TERM1       Overlay name, *VAR, *NONE                            

  2         TERM2                                                            













F3=Exit      F14=View                                            F12=Cancel    



Code for Placement:        

The possibility of placing the back page overlay on the front of the physical printed page is a unique feature of the system, which overcomes a common problem for duplex printing on pre-printed forms. Normally a HP printer will print the back page of a duplex print first in order to have it faced down in the output tray. This means pre-printed forms has to be turned upside-down in the input paper tray depending on the print being simplex or duplex. When stating F (front) as code for placement you will not have to do this, as the system will reverse the order before printing.


Special considerations for label overlays should be considered.


TIP: An easy way of making “short bind” duplex, is to define the front page overlay as normal, but rotate the back page overlay 180 degrees.


WARNING: Do not combine duplex with spooled file data on both front and back (without a fixed back page overlay) and copy management. If you combine the two the result is not what you might expect...