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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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New/Old behaviour

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New behaviour in overlays


The New behaviour option on overlays determines how rotation is handled. The option is default enabled, when you create a new overlay, and this setting is recommended.


The option is described below and in this video:




If Disabled

Works like pre 2017 versions of InterForm400

If this is disabled, the rotation of elements depends on element type. Text, remap window will e.g. change the reference point depending on rotation and the frames and line are always using the positions as written in portrait rotation.


The rotation of sub-overlays is ignored and only the rotation of the main overlay is used. Conditioned overlays are positioned in the same manner as in earlier versions of InterForm400.


Works like in older versions of InterForm400. It is possible to export overlays for use in older versions of InterForm400.


Rotation of overlays is not easy - each element must be rotated individually. Repositioning of conditioned overlays has limitations.



If Enabled

New behaviour introduced in 2017 versions.

If the New behaviour option is enabled, you can easily rotate a complete overlay by changing the rotation in the document properties above.


If you rotate texts and remap windows, then they will rotate around a fixed position set from the upper left corner - in whatever rotation you are using.


Positions of lines and frames are set relatively to the document rotation.


The conditioned overlay can be rotated relatively to the main overlay. The rotation is set on the conditional element in the main overlay. The rotation of unconditioned overlays is ignored, and the rotation of the main overlay is used for the elements inside.


Positioning of conditioned overlays has been improved, so that absolute and relative positioning in both the horizontal and vertical direction are fully supported. Relative positioning relates to the placement of the input spooled

file text as specified in the global setting (extended page definition).



With the new behaviour you can easily rotate complete designs by rotating the setting on the main overlay, and you can also rotate as well as reposition conditioned overlays. This is a more intuitive way to design. With this it is easy to reuse a conditioned suboverlay multiple times with different positions (and different rotations) in main overlays.



The new behaviour option is not supported for pre 2017 versions of InterForm400, so you cannot import such overlays in older versions - if you do they might look wrong.