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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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The green screen designer

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Design Overlay


Note, that InterForm400 comes with a graphical designer. Below the green screen designer is explained.


You reach the green screen designer via option 1. Design overlay on the InterForm400 main menu.


Make sure, that you have selected the right file set for your overlay before adding/changing it.


In this menu overlay definitions and manipulation with spool data are defined.



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                  APF300D  


Overlay name      __________   F4=List                                        





















F3=Exit             F4=Prompt                                        F12=Cancel

F13=Set view/print parameters  



Overlay names can be up to 10 characters long. The first character must be a letter A-Z. No blanks or special characters can be used in the name; ONLY "_" (underscore) is permitted.        



Selecting an existing overlay

Press F4 to get a list of existing overlays to select from or type the name of the overlay.


You may be refused access with the message ‘Overlay in use by user XXX in designer job  NNN’ a Graphical Designer job is editing the same overlay. If you are sure, that this other job can be stopped you can do so by selecting option ‘80. Administering InterForm400' and ‘50. Work with Designer job overlay locks’. Stop the job with option 4-Remove.



Creating a new overlay

Type in a name of the overlay you want to create and press Enter



Copy Overlay from Another Overlay

Type in a name of the new overlay you want to copy to and press Enter. Press F9 to enter a overlay name to copy from and press Enter




         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  





Name of overlay to copy from                                                  

















F3=Exit      F4=Prompt          F9=Copy from another file set     F12=Cancel    

                               F10=Copy from another AS/400                  



Press F9 to enter a overlay name to copy from and press Enter, or press F10 to enter the name of another System i to copy from. You can then copy overlays from InterForm400 on another System i using DDM.


If the overlay is not known, or if placed in another file set press F9 once more to get a list of file sets to choose from. Select the file set containing the overlay you want to copy from, and select the overlay you want to copy. It is also possible to copy on a section from another overlay while designing via F5=Service.


The green screen designer is described in the following sub-sections.


All overlay elements are also described.