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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Designers > The green screen designer

Designer service options

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Service Options


The section below covers the Green screen designer. The graphical designer is also covered in the manual.


By pressing F5 you will get a list of service options:



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name: IF400DEMO  Overlay text: Demo overlay for InterForm 400    


Seqnbr. Type  Overlay definition                                              








Select one of the following options:                                          

 1. Move the placement on the page                                            

 2. Move  definitions to another sequence number.                              

 3. Copy definition into this overlay                                          

 4. Delete lines                                                                

 5. Resequencing                                                              

 6. Print overlay definition                                      

 7. Rotate overlay                                                  

Option:  __



With these you can organize the overlay definitions:


1. Move the placement on the page.

Here you can enter an interval of sequence lines and adjust them horizontal and vertical in a single action instead of changing entering each line.



In this function you can move the overlay up/down or left/right on the page.  


Line interval to be moved . . . . . . :  0000_ - 0000_                          


Distance to move:                                                              

      - to the right +/- _______

      - downwards    +/- _______                              




2. Move definitions to another sequence number

If you made a lot of lines, you might want to reorganize them in order to get a better overview. With this option you define an interval of sequence lines to be moved to another line number.



In this function you can move an interval of definition lines to another        

sequence number.                                                              


Sequence number from/to to be moved . . . .  0000  - 0000                      


Inserted at sequence number . . . . . . . .  ___1                                      




3. Copy definitions into this overlay

This option allows you to copy definitions in the same overlay or from another overlay



In this function you can copy lines into this overlay definition.              


Overlay to be copied from . . . . . . . .   TEST______      blank = this overlay  

Sequence numbers from/to to be copied . .   0000_ - 0000_                        

Inserted at sequence number . . . . . . .   ___1_                                


F4 = overview overlays                                                        

F24 = shift to look at FROM-overlay                                




4. Delete lines

This option you delete an interval of lines instead of entering each lines and press F11.



In this function you can delete an interval of definition lines:              



                  Interval . . .  0000_ - 0000_                            




5. Resequencing

If you have deleted lines you will get in the situation that you have free line numbers to insert new overlay definitions on. This option will sort all remaining lines numerical.



In this function you can resequence the lines in this overlay definition.      




Press ENTER for resequensing. Press F12 for unchanged.  




6. Print overlay definitions

This option will print out a detailed list of the existing overlay definitions on your default printer.



7. Rotate overlay

Chose this option to rotate the current overlay:



In this function you can rotate the whole overlay definition.


 Rotation . . . . . . . . . . . +           (090, 180, 270)  




Press ENTER for rotate, Press F12 for unchanged.            



An alternative way to copy, delete, rename and rotate overlays is found via the 2. Work with file sets option on the administration menu, or to do an export and import while renaming in this process.