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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Overlay element selection filters

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Overlay Element Selection Filters


The section below covers the green screen designer. Similar functionality is also available for the graphical designer.


When entering a sequence number and you press Field Exit the following entry screen will appear:



         Design InterForm 400 overlay                                 APF300D  


Overlay name: IF400DEMO    Overlay text: IF400DEMO                                


Seqnbr. Type  Overlay definition                                              





Seqnbr. Type  *=Suspend                      Page control                            

   1,0   _    _                              _            

         1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal         BLANK = all pages  

         3 = Vertical      4 = Line               1 = first page only

         5 = Text          6 = Print-info         2 = page 2 and succ.

         7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator          9 = last page only  

         9 = Remap window  I = Image                                  

         ? = If .. then    F = PCL-file                              

         G = HP-GL/2 file  S = Suboverlay                            

         C = Concat        * = Comment        

F3=Exit                        F12=Cancel              F18=View Spool entry    



Suspend: Next to the type you can enter an asterix (*) if you want to suspend/disable this design element. This is an alternative to deleting the element if you temporarily want to remove this element. The asterix is also shown when displaying the design element list.


The right side of the screen will contain entries for Copy management or Page control depending on the value for Copy management in the global settings of the overlay


Page Control

The Page Control fields are used to assign this specific sequence line to all printed pages or to selected pages only.



Seqnbr. Type                                    Page control              

  1,0    _  1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal     _   BLANK = all pages  

            3 = Vertical      4 = Line               1 = first page only

            5 = Text          6 = Print-info         2 = page 2 and succ.

            7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator          9 = last page only  

            9 = Remap window  I = Image                                  

            ? = If .. then    F = PCL-file                              

            G = HP-GL/2 file  S = Suboverlay                            

            C = Concat        * = Comment                                    

F3=Exit                        F12=Cancel             F18=View Spool entry    




WARNING: Do not use page control in conditioned overlays. (Overlays called by an If..Then line).


If S or L is filled in for Duplex Print for the global settings of the overlay the Page Control will be extended with a possibility of entering if page numbering should be made on odd or even pages only:



Seqnbr. Type                                    Page control              

  1,0       1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal     _   BLANK = all pages  

            3 = Vertical      4 = Line               1 = first page only

            5 = Text          6 = Print-info         2 = page 2 and succ.

            7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator          9 = last page only  

            9 = Remap window  I = Image          _   BLANK = all pages            

            ? = If .. then    F = PCL-file           1 = odd pages                

            G = HP-GL/2 file  S = Suboverlay         2 = even pages

            C = Concat        * = Comment        

F3=Exit                        F12=Cancel              F18=View Spool entry




Copy Management


The entry fields for Copy Management will appear if Y has been selected for Copy Management in the global settings of the overlay. (see Copy Management)



Seqnbr. Type                                         Copy management          

  1      1   1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                     From  To    

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line                Primary    _     _      

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info          Secondary  _     _      

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator

             9 = Remap Window  I = Image            

             ? = If .. then    F = PCL-file          

             G = HP-GL/2 file  S = Suboverlay                      

             C = Concat        * = Comment                                                                  


F3=Exit                        F12=Cancel           F18=View Spool entry    



The Copy management field is used to assign this specific sequence line to all printed copies or to selected copies only.


The following are examples of definitions for copy control:


Use this overlay element on all copies of Primary and Secondary sets (all fields left blank):



  1      1   1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                    From  To  

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line               Primary    _     _    

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info         Secondary  _     _    

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator                                          



Use this overlay element on the first copy (the original) of the Primary set only:



  1      1   1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                   From  To  

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line               Primary    1     1    

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info          Secondary  _     _      

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator                                  



Use this overlay element on the first copy of the Primary set and the first copy of the Secondary set:



  1     1    1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                   From  To    

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line               Primary    1     1    

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info        Secondary  1     1    

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator



Use this overlay element on all copies of the Primary set:



  1      1   1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                    From  To    

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line               Primary    1     6      

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info         Secondary  _     _    

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator                                  



Use this overlay element all copies of both sets except the first one in the Primary set,



  1      1   1 = Frame         2 = Horizontal                    From  To    

             3 = Vertical      4 = Line               Primary    2     6    

             5 = Text          6 = Print-info         Secondary  1     6    

             7 = Ink           8 = Tabulator