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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

It is possible to monitor the output queue monitoring jobs in Auto Forms Control for errors. This means that you can set up an e-mail address (or an e-mail group) to inform you, if the particular monitoring job stops with an error message. The error monitor checks every for every 10 to 600 seconds for new error messages, and sends an email if a job has stopped with an error message. Each error message will only be reported in a single email.


A related function is the Auto Forms Control Error recovery which helps you to decide what happened with an input spooled file, that was only partially processed.



A prerequisite for the error monitor is, that SMTP has been correctly configured, so that it is possible to send emails from InterForm400.

You need to setup an email sender for the monitor emails.

You need to setup an email receiver for each monitored output queue.

You need to activate and setup the monitor.


The error-monitor is set up via these options in InterForm400:

1.You need to activate and setup the monitor in the InterForm400 configuration.

2.You can override the default email address to send the emails to in the configuration, by setting up an email per monitored output queue as described below.



Email per monitored output queue

You can setup a default receiver for the Error emails, but you can also overrule this to a specific email address per monitored output queue. This is done with the options below.


80. Administering InterForm400

50. Email administration

6. Work with E-mail addresses for monitored AFC jobs


Then you will see a list of all monitored output queues in Auto Forms Control:



         Work with AFC jobs to be monitored                           MON100D  


Position to . . . . . .             AFC Job                                


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   5=Display                                                        


Opt  AFC Job      Description                              E-mail address/group

  AALBORG      test af Aalborg                          BACKUP              

  AFC_DEFC     Globale Überwachungsdefinitionen China                      

  AFC_INPUT1   Job for sample printout                  TEST2                

  AFPDS                                                 TEST                

  DAMPV        Damp

  DEMOIDX      InterArchive Demo                                            

  DUPSPLF1     Duplicate spooled files                                      


  HP4250       HP4250                                                      

  IAFC         Test IAFC                                                    


  INTERN       InterN                                                    

  INTERNWP     Intern WinPrint                                            


F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel  F20=From address                                                                        

No sender address has been registered. Press F20 to register an email address                                                                              




The email receivers

To add or change the e-mail address to send to (in case of an error message), select 2=Change for the monitored output queue:



         Change e-mail addresses for monitored afc jobs               MON110D  


AFC Job  . . . . . . . . :   AALBORG                                          


E-mail address/group . . .   BACKUP                                            


















F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel                                            



Here you can enter either a single e-mail address or an e-mail group. You can use the F4=Prompt to display all the defined email groups and to select the group from this list.




The email sender

A prerequisite for the email monitor is, that you have registered a sender email address, that is used for these error emails.


You setup the email address for the sender on a specific screen of the InterForm400 configuration.



           Configure InterForm400                                       APF101D 


 Do you want the system to monitor AFC-jobs for errors and report errors by    

 sending emails?                                                               


   Monitor . . . . . . Y  (Y N)                                                


 How many seconds delay between run of monitor job?                            


   Seconds . . . . . :   300   (10 - 600)                                      


 Wich email address should be used as sender of error emails?                  


   Email address . . :                                    









 F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel                                                                                                         






The error email


An example of an error email is shown below:




The subject includes the name of the job, that is in error and the first line in the contents refers to the specific job in error.