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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Emailing

Email SMTP setup

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SMTP must be setup in order to be able to send emails from InterForm400. The emails sent from InterForm400 can be sent in 3 ways:


1.Via an internal InterForm400 SMTP server. This is recommended as this gives better logging than IBM SMTP, and you can send very flexible emails.

2.Via IBM SMTP as configured in OS400. This gives you as good as no logging. You are unable to see if an email has actually been sent or not. Also note, that sent emails are deleted with this option, so you cannot open the sent emails from the email logs, if you use IBM SMTP.

3.Via Blueseries. This requires that Blueseries is installed on the same machine. Html emails are not supported in Blueseries. This is activated via the Blueseries integration option described below.


SMTP configuration for InterForm400 is setup via options:


70. Configuration and licences

3. Configure email


With this option  you setup how InterForm400 should send e-mail if needed. It offers the possibility so use normal OS400 SMTP or InterForm400 SMTP:


(The contents of the screen depends on the e-mail mode you select. Here all possible texts are displayed.)




         Configure email                                              SMP400D  


Email recovery subsystem :   MAILINTER                                        

  Library  . . . . . . . :     APF3812                                        


Email mode . . . . . . . .   2       1=IBM SMTP, 2=IF400 SMTP, 3=IF400 -          

                                     SMTP (register), 4=IF400 SMTP (batch)  

Automatic recovery                                                            

Delay before retry . . . .    3     1-120 minutes                            

  Number of retries  . . .   1      0-99                                      

Delay before retry . . . .   30     1-120 minutes                            

  Number of retries  . . .   1      0-99                                      


Email gateway                        blank=no email gateway                    

Host or ip address . . . .                                                 >

Port . . . . . . . . . . .        1-65535, blank=default port (25/465/587)  

BlueSeries integration                                                        

Use when possible  . . . .   N       Y=Yes, N=No                              



Subsystem MAILINTER must be active to enable automatic recovery.              


F3=Exit   F8=Gateway security   F12=Cancel        

F20=Alternative gateways   F22=Display entire field              




The options are these:


Email mode        

1=IBM SMTP: This is the default value and will make e-mailing from InterForm400 to run as in pre 2007 versions. This makes InterForm400 send out via OS400 SMTP and MSF servers. This requires that the SMTP and MSF servers are setup correctly and are running.


2=IF400 SMTP: Use the InterForm400 SMTP instead of the IBM SMTP. It requires that the MAILINTER subsystem is running and that the System i is able to reach internet to e-mail itself or via the E-mail gateway.


3=IF400 SMTP (register): All e-mails sent from InterForm400 are not sent immediately but only registered. This can e.g. be used for testing. You can then at a later time (e.g. at night where the bandwidth is most probably not used) send all pending e-mails with the command APF3812/SNDMAILS. You can view the registered mails via the email log. This option use the InterForm400 SMTP instead of the IBM SMTP.


4=IF400 SMTP (batch): With this option the sending of the email is submitted as a batch job in the MAILINTER job queue. This enables faster emailing and the user experience is better for the interactive emailing as the email commands returns immediately and submits an email job instead of trying to communicate with the email server in the interactive job. This option use the InterForm400 SMTP instead of the IBM SMTP.



Automatic recovery        

This is only relevant for InterForm SMTP. Here you setup the delay to use for the first retries (if the receiving mail server e.g. cannot be found) and the delay for additional retries. With the setup above InterForm400 will try to send the e-mail and then retry twice with a 3 minute delay. Then wait 30 minutes and then try once again. If still not found the e-mail will end up with status *FAILED in the mail log.


Email Gateway        

This is only used for InterForm400 SMTP. If you state a gateway this will be used as an external mail server for InterForm400. If you leave this field blank the System i must be able to reach the internet itself.

If you need to enter a longer name, then you can press F22=Display entire field to view and edit the complete entry field.



If you want to access the external mail server above through another port number than the default (25), then you can type it here.


BlueSeries Integration

If you have BlueSeries installed on the same System i and you want to email through BlueSeries, then you can activate that here. Please notice, that some email options are not supported for BlueSeries Mail, so if any of these options are used, then BlueSeries Mail will not be used - even if you activate this option (and the normal InterForm400 mail setup is used instead).


The email options not supported by BlueSeries Mail are:

*HTML and *HTMLRAW (html and raw html commands in email contents).

Center or right alignment of the email contents.

Unicode output.

Only one receiver is supported by BlueSeries Mail. Multiple receivers are not supported by BlueSeries Mail.

CC and BCC receivers are not supported by BlueSeries Mail.

The Confirmation of delivery option is not supported.

Indexing (archiving) of email is not supported.

Use of variables in an html stream file is not supported.


F8=Gateway security

Here you setup the user and password to use for this email server. This is described under InterForm400 SMTP here.


F20=Alternative gateways

This is described under InterForm400 SMTP here.