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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

A prerequisite for using InterForm400 SMTP is, that the subystem, APF3812/MAILINTER is running. The name and library of the subsystem is fully configurable via the InterForm400 configuration, but is referenced below with the default name and library.


You can start and stop the subsystem as described below.


Start the MAILINTER subsystem

The APF3812/MAILINTER subsystem can be started in these 3 manners:


1.You can start it via the InterForm400 menu with the options:

80. Administering InterForm400

50. Email administration


Now you see this screen, where you can start, stop and view the subsystem via option 10, 11 and 12:



Email administration                                 System.......: PMK250    

                                                     Workstn ID...: QPADEV0001

Subsystem....: MAILINTER                                CCSID ....: 01141      

   Library...:   APF3812                             User ID......: KSE        

Status.......: *ACTIVE                                                        


Select one of the following options:                                          


 1. Work with email groups                                                    


 5. Work with email log                                                        


 8. Send all registered mails                                                  


10. Start the MAILINTER subsystem                                            

11. End the MAILINTER subsystem                                                

12. Work with the MAILINTER subsystem                                          






F3=Exit                     F6=Display messages             F12=Cancel        




2.You can link the start of the MAILINTER subsystem with the start of the AUTO_FORM subsystem via the InterForm400 configuration. This only works of course if the AUTO_FORM subsystem is started at all.

3.You can start it with either of these commands: APF3812/STRMAILSBS or STRSBS SBSD(APF3812/MAILINTER). The latter works of course only, if the name and library of the subsystem is unchanged.



Stop the MAILINTER subsystem

The APF3812/MAILINTER subsystem can be stopped in these 2 manners:


1. You can stop it via the InterForm400 menu with the options:

80. Administering InterForm400

50. Email administration


Now you see this screen, where you can start, stop and view the subsystem via option 10, 11 and 12:



Email administration                                 System.......: PMK250    

                                                     Workstn ID...: QPADEV0001

Subsystem....: MAILINTER                                CCSID ....: 01141      

   Library...:   APF3812                             User ID......: KSE        

Status.......: *ACTIVE                                                        


Select one of the following options:                                          


 1. Work with email groups                                                    


 5. Work with email log                                                        


 8. Send all registered mails                                                  


10. Start the MAILINTER subsystem                                              

11. End the MAILINTER subsystem                                              

12. Work with the MAILINTER subsystem                                          






F3=Exit                     F6=Display messages             F12=Cancel        




2. You can stop it with either of these commands: APF3812/ENDMAILSBS or ENDSBS SBSD(APF3812/MAILINTER). The latter works of course only, if the name and library of the subsystem is unchanged.