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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

You can define multiple SMTP gateways, if one mail server/account is not enough. This is possible for InterForm400 SMTP only.


From the email SMTP configuration you press F20=Alternative gateways to work with the additional SMTP gateways:


You define the additional gateways via this function. You press F6 to add a new gateway:



         Create alternative email gateway                             SMP400D  


Sender email / domain  . .                                  


Email gateway                blank=no email gateway                            

Host or ip address . . . .                             >

Port . . . . . . . . . . .        1-65535, blank=default port (25/465/587)  

User . . . . . . . . . . .                                                    

Password . . . . . . . . .                                                    

Connection type  . . . . .         0=Clear text, 1=SSL, 2=STARTTLS          


SSL/STARTTLS security                                                          

Certificate validation . .     0=Check certificate issued by a trusted CA    

                                 1=Trust ONLY the retrieved certificate        









F3=Exit   F12=Cancel F22=Display entire field                                                          



Sender email / domain                

This is the ‘trigger’ for using this gateway. In the example above this gateway will be used if the senders email address has the domain Instead of a domain you can also specify a specific email address.


The other fields are described under email gateway security.