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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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It is possible to email from InterForm400 in several ways:


1.The email option used by most customers is the email finish definition, via which you can define very dynamic emails with variables. The email finish definition can split up an input spooled file into multiple emails. Each email will contain a PDF file, that is the result of a merge with an overlay or overlay selector.

2.The command, APF3812/MRGSPLFPDF can be used, if you want to want to merge a spooled file with an overlay or an overlay selector and email the resulting PDF file.

3.You can also use the command, APF3812/SNDEML to send an email with no or multiple attachments without merging a spooled file into PDF.


A prerequisite for emailing is, that email SMTP is configured. InterForm400 can either use IBM SMTP or InterForm400 SMTP. Interform400 SMTP is recommended.


A log of the sent emails can be seen in several ways.


Secured emails can also be setup.


If you can define a unique key for your emails, then you can find the relevant status and contents of an email via SQL as described here. The email keys can also be setup on the MRGSPLFPDF command and well on the SNDEML command.


It is very important to purge old emails by running the command, APF3812/CLRMAILLOG on a regular basis.


The section, email troubleshooting may help you in case of an email problem.