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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Clear mail log command

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The Clear Mail Log Command


The command Clear Mail Log (APF3812/CLRMAILLOG) is closely linked with the APF3812/WRKMAILLOG command. Whenever you e-mail from InterForm400 both the e-mail and the status of the e-mail is stored in a log. If you want to purge old e-mails and log entries you can use the Clear Mail Log command. As default all entries older than 120 days will be deleted, when you run this command:



                          Clear Mail Log (CLRMAILLOG)                          


Type choices, press Enter.                                                    


Mimimum days old . . . . . . . . MINDAYS       120        14-365          

OutBox directory . . . . . . . . OUTBOXDIR     *ALL      Name, *ALL            

Reorganize physical file mbrs  . RGZ           *NO        *NO, *YES            















F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F5=Refresh   F12=Cancel   F13=How to use this display    

F24=More keys                                                                  



The OUTBOXDIR (OutBox directory) can be used for specifying a specific sub directory (within /APF3812Home/OutBox), if you only want to clean up a specific subdirectory. With *ALL (default) all subdirectories will be cleaned for old e-mails.


You can also decide to reorganize the members of the physical files used for the mail log with this command. As default the members are not reorganized. For a description of what reorganizing is refer to the description of the OS400 command, RGZPFM.


Please notice, that this command only deletes old emails in the /APF3812Home/OutBox (and sub-directories) - it does not delete old emails, that has been saved via the save option on the email commands/functions. These saved emails are stored in the IFS in /APF3812Home/Log and you will need to clean up old emails yourself in this directory.


The e-mails are stored in /APF3812Mail/OutBox.


TIP: It is a REALLY good idea to run the CLRMAILLOG command on a regular basis to prevent excessive disk usage as the e-mails will build up in /APF3812Home/OutBox.