This menu covers the email administration for the daily work. You reach this option in InterForm400 via:
80. Administering InterForm400
50. Email administration
Email administration System.......: PMK250 Workstn ID...: QPADEV000B Subsystem....: MAILINTER CCSID ....: 00277 Library...: APF3812 User ID......: KSE
Select one of the following options:
1. Work with email groups
5. Work with email log 6. Work with E-mail addresses for monitored AFC jobs
10. Start the MAILINTER subsystem 11. End the MAILINTER subsystem 12. Work with the MAILINTER subsystem
Option: __
F3=Exit F6=Display messages F12=Cancel
Option ‘1. Work with email groups’ and ‘5. Work with email log’ are covered below.
Option 6. Work with E-mail addresses for monitored AFC jobs is covered in the section AFC: Error monitor.
With option 10, 11 and 12 you can work with the subsystem used for emailing, if you are using InterForm400 SMTP.
For additional email configuration refer to option ‘3. Configure email’ on the configuration menu.
If you want to specify the email address of various email senders (to be used in the email finish definition) you use option ‘9. Work with email senders’ on the Auto Forms Control menu.
NOTE: It is highly recommended to run the command APF3812/CLRMAILLOG reguarly to remove any emails older than a certain number of days.