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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

You can assign email addresses for each possible spooled file owner, if you want the spooled file owner to be the email sender for an email finish definition.


You set them up via these options from the InterForm400 main menu:


5. Work with Auto Forms Control

8. Work with email senders


Note: This option is reached from the Auto Forms Control menu.



         Work with E-mail senders                                     MAI360D  


Position to . . . . . .  __________  User profile                            


Type options, press Enter.                                                    

  2=Change   3=Copy   4=Delete   5=Display                                    


Opt   User        User name                                      

 _    KSE         Kim Egekjaer                              

 _    PS          Peter Sørensen        











F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                



This screen shows/edits information, that are used for the E-mail finishing definition.


Here you enter user profiles, that InterForm400 should recognize as E-mail senders. InterForm400 can use the E-mail address and name you specify here when sending. Press F6 to add a new E-mail sender:



         Create E-mail sender                                         MAI365D  


User profile . . . . . . . MYUSER____                                          

User name  . . . . . . . . Demo User Profile______________________          

Organisation . . . . . . . SALES_DEP_                                    

E-mail address . . . . . . SENDER@INTERFORM400.COM____________________________




Personal Certificate . . . MY_CERT___                                        




If you state in the E-mail finish definition, that the sender of the E-mail should be the owner of the spooled file, or if the digital certificate should be either *OWNER or *SENDER, then this information is used.


First InterForm400 will search for a match for both the user profile and organisation. If not found InterForm400 will take the information, where there is a match for the user profile only. If the is not match found here either a match with the organisation is looked for.