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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

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Configure Java logging in InterForm400

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The Java programs, that run in InterForm400 produce their own log files. The log files are is found in /APF3812Home/Log


It is possible to set the level of logging for the java programs in InterForm400. You can set that in two ways:


The most user friendly level is set via these options in InterForm400:

70. Configuration and licences

7. Configure java log settings


Then you see a screen like below. Here you can change between two predefined logging setups:



                    Log library is APF3812home/LOG (JVALOG)      


Type choices, press Enter.                                      


Set log level. . . . . . . . . . > *PROD       *PROD, *DEBUG  




If you select *PROD, then the InterForm400 will copy the log configuration file, /APF3812Home/lib/ into the file /APF3812home/lib/LOG4J.PROPERTIES and use the file. This file has a lower log level (fewer details are included in the log) compared to the *DEBUG below.



If you select *DEBUG, then the InterForm400 will copy the log configuration file, /APF3812Home/lib/ into the file /APF3812home/lib/LOG4J.PROPERTIES and use the file. This file has a higher log level (more details are included in the log) compared to the *PROD above. You should normally use this only temporarily for java debugging of InterForm400.


This is provided as is and it is possible to change the log4j settings in many ways, but if you do, then you are on your own.

General details of Log4J logging can be found here: