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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The InterWord400 module can be used as a substitute for OfficeVision400. It converts OV/400 documents into RTF format. Offers also the possibility to do mail merge directly on the System i. Ask your local InterForm400 reseller for more details.


If the system should operate with InterWord400, you should be aware that some specific word processing features will disappear from the spooled file during merge with an InterForm400 overlay - if you use conditions, tabulators, remap windows or other similar functions in your overlays.


The features in question are sub-script, super-script, font changes and justification. The reason is that OS/400 does not allow these attributes with the Copy spool file function, which is one of the basic operations of the InterForm400 system. OS/400 will report a message if such unsupported attributes are found in the spool entries when the Copy spool file operation is carried out.


A good idea is to make use of the overlay selector possibility for InterWord400 spooled files. You can include information in line 1 of the spooled file via the PAGDTA field on the DCA400/PRTPCD command. (This command is used for printing in InterWord400).


Limitations for InterWord400 spooled files

InterWord400 spooled files are quite special so they need to be handled in a special way in InterForm400. This means that not all functions in InterForm400 are supported for InterWord400 spooled files.


The special functions supported for InterWord400 spooled files are:


Use of soft fonts

Creation of both PCL and PDF output - if you use MRGSPLFPDF to create the PDF files.

Output Schedule Control

Overlay selectors: Please note that only information in line 1 of the spooled files (generated via the PAGDTA field on the DCA400/PRTPCD command) are placed in fixed positions so they can used for conditions in e.g. overlay selectors



Special functions that are unsupported for InterWord400 spooled files are:


Split definitions

Sort definitions

Finishing definitions


Please ask you local InterForm400 contact if you want to use an InterForm400 function for InterWord400 spooled files that are not listed above.