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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Fonts > Fonts for label print

Loading fonts in Zebra flash memory

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You can decide to download soft fonts or images into the Zebra printers flash memory, to allow InterForm400 to exclude the resources from the merged spooled files. This will reduce the size of the merged spooled file and increase the printing speed. The downside is, that you need to maintain the fonts (or images) in the printers flash memory.


InterForm400 use the table below to find out which soft fonts are already loaded in the flash memory of the printer and therefore does not need to be downloaded when used.


You find this feature in InterForm400 via menu options:


80. Administering InterForm400

4. Work with fonts

13. Work with fonts in ZEBRA flash memory  



         Work with fonts in Zebra flash memory                        FNT481D  


Position to . . . . . .   __________   Outq                                    

                          __________   Library                                

                          ________     Fontmember                              


Type options, press Enter.                                                    



Opt    Outq         Library      Fontmember     Flash drive                    

 _     ZEBRA        QUSRSYS      COURIER        E                              












F3=Exit   F5=Refresh   F6=Create   F12=Cancel                                  




Download a soft font into flash memory


Press F6=Create to download a soft font into the flash memory of a Zebra printer:



         Create spooled file with soft font download                  FNT482D  


Outq . . . . . . . . . . .   ZEBRA_____                                        

Library  . . . . . . . . .   QUSRSYS___                                        

Fontmember . . . . . . . .   ARIAL___       F4=List                            

Flash drive  . . . . . . .   E              (E, B)                            





                |                                              |                

                |    Output queue . . . .   ZEBRA_____         |              

                |                             QUSRSYS___       |    

                |                                              |              

                |    Form type  . . . . .   *STD______         |              

                |                                              |          





F3=Exit   F4=Prompt   F12=Cancel                                              




This will create an entry in the list above, that InterForm400 will use for remembering NOT to download this soft font when used on this output queue.


This will also create a spooled file on the specified queue (which should be the one, where the printer is attached). The spooled file name will be ‘ZEBRAFONT’ and the user data field of the spooled file will be named the same as the downloaded. This spooled file will do the actual install of the soft font in the flash memory as well as print a sample of the soft font.



Delete a soft font from flash memory


If you use option 4=Delete for an installed soft font you will be asked to confirm and to specify the form type of the spooled file, that will do the delete from the flash memory:



         Confirm delete of fonts                                      FNT481D  




Press Enter to confirm your choices for (4=Delete).                            

Press F3 or F12 to return to change your choices.                              




Opt    Outq                                                                    

 4     ZEBRA                                                                  


                  |                                         |                  

                  |  Output queue . . . .   ZEBRA           |                  

                  |                           QUSRSYS       |                  

                  |                                         |                  

                  |  Form type  . . . . .   *STD______      |      

                  |                                         |                  

                  |  F3=Exit           F12=Cancel           |                  

                  |                                         |                  



F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                          




The entry of this soft font in the list above will be removed and a spooled file will be generated on the assigned output queue. This spooled file has the name ‘DLTZEBFONT’ and a user data field containing the flash drive and the soft font that will be deleted.


TIP: See description of option ‘19. Initiate ZEBRA flash memory and reload fonts and images’ if there is not enough space in the flash memory.