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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation > Install/Upgrade on Mirrored machines

Mirrored: Procedure for install of InterForm400

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When you install InterForm400 on a mirrored system, then you should first install InterForm400 on both the destination and source machines before activating the mirroring. This makes sure that the necessary objects exists on both machines e.g. the needed user profiles and the stream files and directories in the IFS. Refer to the description above for which objects that should be journaled.


If you want to upgrade InterForm400 on a mirrored machine, you should first end the journaling via these steps:


First determine the journal, that is used for journaling InterForm400. As default this will be APF3812/APFJRN. (Replace the references to this journal below if you are using a different one).


You can end journaling of the objects, that is normally journaled by InterForm400 via these options in InterForm400:


12. Service functions  

9. Journal menu

2. End journaling files in InterForm library APF3812 (Press F10 to confirm)        

3. Delete journal and receivers in InterForm library APF3812


Option 3 will stop with this error if someone has added extra objects to be journaled:


                        Additional Message Information                      


Message ID . . . . . . :   CPA0701       Severity . . . . . . . :   99      

Message type . . . . . :   Inquiry                                          

Date sent  . . . . . . :   31/03/11      Time sent  . . . . . . :   13:01:31


Message . . . . :   CPF7021 received by JRN001C at 3600. (C D I R)          

Cause . . . . . :   Control language (CL) program JRN001C in library APF3812

  detected an error at statement number 3600. Message text for CPF7021 is:  

  Cannot delete journal APFJRN in APF3812.


So you will now need to end journaling of any objects in this journal. You can use this command in order to find out exactly which objects that are still journaled:




Now press: F19=Display journaled objects and select e.g. option '30. All object types' to go through all object types that may be journaled. You should be able to find that extra objects e.g. data areas or stream files / directories in the IFS are journaled. You will need to end this journaling with the appropriate command - normally ENDJRNPF, ENDJRNOBJ or ENDJRN.


If you are using a remote journal you can also check for any active remote journals via WRKJRNA and F16, where you can inactivate the remote journal via option 14=Inactivate.


Now you are ready to do the upgrade in the normal manner. You should upgrade InterForm400 on both machines before starting the journaling again - as described in the beginning of this section.