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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

The process of moving to iASP depends on if you are installing InterForm400 for the first time or during an upgrade of InterForm400:


First time install

First time install on iASP (InterForm400 is not installed in neither SYSASP nor iASP).

In order to install InterForm400 on an iASP you can initially run a normal installation. You can e.g. use the RSTLIBPC.JAR program to upload and restore the APF3812NEW library to a specific iASP and run the normal APF3812NEW/APF3812NEW command. During the installation InterForm400 will restore the directories to the iASP and create symbolic links /apf3812Home and /apf3812Mail pointing to /<iasp>/APF3812Home and /<iasp>/APF3812Mail.


After that you will need the same setup as described below: Changing the setup to iASP.


Moving an existing installation from SYSASP into an iASP

If you want to upgrade InterForm400 as well as move from SYSASP to iASP, we recommend first to upgrade to version 2009M08 or higher and make sure it runs stable in the SYSASP before moving it onto the iASP: It is simply good practice not to change too much at a time, if something should stop working. Doing an upgrade and move to iASP at the same time could make it more difficuilt to find the cause of a problem, if something should occour.


If you have an existing installation of InterForm400 in the SYSASP, which you want to move to an iASP, you should first start out by saving the apf3812 library and the directories /apf3812Home and /apf3812mail (including subdirectories). Then rename the apf3812 library (end the subsystems inside and end, save and delete journals and journal receivers inside via the journal menu in InterForm400). Then you can rename the library to e.g. APF3812SAV (not apf3812, apf3812old or apf3812new). Also rename the  /apf3812home and /apf3812mail directories. Now restore the apf3812 library and the directories to the iASP:


RSTLIB SAVLIB(APF3812) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(<mylib>/<mysavf>) RSTASPDEV(<myiasp>)


RST DEV('/qsys.lib/<mylib>.lib/<mysavf>.file')

   OBJ(('/apf3812home' *INCLUDE '/<myiasp>/apf3812home'))                                                        

RST DEV('/qsys.lib/<mylib>.lib/<mysavf>.file')

    OBJ(('/apf3812mail' *INCLUDE '/<myiasp>/apf3812mail'))                                                        

If you now upgrade to a 2009M08 version or later, the symbolic links will now be added automatically. If you are not upgrading, you will need to add symbolic links yourself:

ADDLNK OBJ('/<iasp>/APF3812Home') NEWLNK('/APF3812Home')

ADDLNK OBJ('/<iasp>/APF3812Mail') NEWLNK('/APF3812Mail')


where <iasp> should be exchanged with the name of the iASP, that you are using (do not include the <>).


Changing the setup to iASP

After you have restored (and perhaps upgraded) InterForm400 onto the iASP, you will need to do a few changes to fit the requirements listed in the beginning of this appendix:


1.All user exit programs called by InterForm400 must be placed in the same iASP as InterForm400 or in the system ASP.


You can generate a list of all user programs called by first changing your job to use an output queue, that is not connected to a physical printer and then creating a spooled file, that lists all cross references in InterForm400:

Change the default outq: CHGJOB OUTQ(APF3812/AFC_INPUT1) (or use another outq not connected to a printer)

Create the list by running this command: APF3812/PRTXREF (You can also create the report via option '8. Print Resource X-reference' on the InterForm400 service menu).

Now you can search the generated spooled file for '*USREXIT' to find all user programs that can be called and from where they are called.


2.The subsystems used by InterForm400 cannot be placed in the iASP (e.g. in library APF3812), but must be in the SYSASP, so now you need to refer to new subsystem descriptions. To copy the subsystem descriptions and to refer to the new ones you can select this in InterForm400:


70. Configuration and licences

2. Configure InterForm 400

Now press Enter several times until you get to this screen:


        Configure InterForm 400                                      APF101D  




Auto Forms Control subsystem                                                  



   Subsystem description  . . AUTO_FORM2                                      

     Library  . . . . . . . .   QGPL____                                      














F3=Exit                                                     F12=Cancel        



Here you can define the Auto Form s Control subsystem. Now state the new name and library to use (the library must exist and must be in SYSASP). When you press Enter you are asked to press F10 to create the new subsystem and other needed objects:


               Create AFC subsystem description                


Subsystem description  . .  AUTO_FORM2                        

  Library  . . . . . . . .    QGPL                              


Press Enter to create the subsystem description or            

press F3 or F12 to cancel.                                    



The following objects will also be created or updated in      

the subsystem library:                                        


Object     Type   Description                                  

AUTO_FORM  *JOBQ  Auto Forms Control job queue                

AUTO_FORM  *CLS   Auto Forms Control class                    

AUTO_FORM  *JOBD  Auto Forms Control job description          

AFCSTART   *JOBD  Auto Forms Control startup job description  


F3=Exit               F12=Cancel                              



Press Enter and you should then do the same for the other used subsystems.


3.Remember to change the IPL startup program (WRKSYSVAL QSTRUPPGM) to start the new subsystems.


4.In order to be able to run e.g. the graphical designer you will also need to do these changes:

a.Copy the normally used job description for the users

b.Insert the iASP into INLASPGRP of the new job description

c.Change the users to use the new job description


This could e.g. be done in this manner:







Moving from an iASP onto SYSASP


If you want to move an InterForm400 installation back from iASP to SYSASP you should revert the changes described above:


a.Save the APF3812 library and the directories: /apf3812home and /apf3812mail.

b.Rename the existing apf3812 library and the directories above.

c.Restore the library and directories to SYSASP.

d.Change the used job description.

e.Remove the symbolic links for /apf3812home and /apf3812mail. You should very cautious when doing that, so you are sure you only delete the symbolic links and not the complete directories.. You can do it via WRKLNK: If you use option 8=Display attributes you should be able to see that the type is 'SYMLNK' on the very top of the screen.