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Manual InterForm400 English 2023

Navigation: Installation

iASP installations

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If you install or upgrade InterForm400 on a system that is running iASP you need to read this:


InterForm400 can only be installed on one ASP. This ASP must be varied on for both  upgrading and installing.


Installation will insert a symbolic link like this, where ‘aspdev’ is the ASP device:

ADDLNK OBJ('/aspdev/APF3812Home') NEWLNK('/APF3812Home')


The libraries used by InterForm400 will all automatically be created in the same ASP as the APF3812 library:


APFIMPORT        (Library used during import)

APFEXPORT        (Library used during export)

APFIMPDST        (temporary library used during import)

APFEXPDST        (temporary library used during export)

APFPTFnnnn        (Libraries containing installed PTFs - number nnnn).


If you want to install on an ASP, that is not the system ASP, then you need to restore the APF3812NEW library into that ASP. InterForm400 is shipped as a zip file, which contains a normal save file.


Commitment control is used in InterForm400 when you rename fonts in InterForm400 via option ‘7=Assign new font number’. This is the only function in InterForm400 using commitment control. This is important to notice if you are running an iASP installation: The ASP group must be set prior to font renumbering.


If you are running iASP and there is an abnormal end for the Auto_Form jobs, you can risk that there are spooled files, that are partially created in the output queue APF3812/APFSYS. This will not influence the functions of InterForm400.


For future upgrades the same ASP will be used. If you install InterForm400 into another ASP than the system ASP, then you must go into InterForm400 configuration (after the install), and make sure that the job queues and subsystem descriptions are placed in a library inside the system ASP.